Thursday, January 18, 2024

Navigating Amazon’s New 3 Category Limit: A Step-by-Step Guide for Authors

by Susan U. Neal RN, MBA, MHS @SusanNealYoga

Amazon's category system underwent significant changes recently. In this detailed article, we'll thoroughly examine these category alterations and provide actionable guidance on how you can effectively navigate and optimize your use of Amazon's revised category structure. Previously, authors could select up to ten Amazon categories to place their books into. However, in June 2023, Amazon made a major shift and implemented a new system that limits authors to choosing only three categories for each book. 

With this change the category selection process is now even more vital. Authors must put far greater thought and precision into the process. To guarantee you make the most of your limited category options, follow this comprehensive, step-by-step methodology.

Conduct In-Depth Research on Potential Categories

The first critical step is to extensively research and create a list of potential book categories to choose from. Given the new constraint of just three categories, your selections need to be made much more meticulously. To assist with this process, use tools like Publisher Rocket to help optimally identify and analyze your category options. As a reminder, CAN/CIPA members receive a 30 percent discount on Publisher Rocket at

Niche Down as Much as Possible into Subcategories 

Selecting the right categories can be an extremely challenging undertaking, so it's absolutely essential you niche down as far as possible into subcategories with less competition. Rather than always opting for the largest, most competitive categories, shift your focus to pinpointing less competitive categories where your book is more likely to stand out and succeed. Getting your book ranked on one of Amazon's prestigious Bestseller Lists is a major goal for any author.

Choose a category where you need fewer book sales to rank high in that category. For example, the Amazon category, Books > Religion & Spirituality > Worship & Devotion requires 105 book purchases in a day to rank #10 in this category’s Bestseller List. Whereas you only need 16 book purchases to rank #10 in the category, Books > Children's Books > Religions > Christianity > Devotional. 

Now you may encounter overlapping or duplicate categories, this redundancy isn't necessarily problematic. But it is new. Previously Amazon did not have duplicate categories. You don’t want to choose two categories that are redundant, so you need to know which ones duplicate each other. Publisher Rocket tells you if a category is a duplicate. 

A sizeable number of duplicate categories exist on Amazon—approximately 54 percent according to research. If you choose 2-3 duplicate subcategories among your three selections, you're essentially only selecting one category.

Beware of Deceptive "Ghost Categories"

Another problematic issue arising from Amazon's category revisions is the surfacing of deceptive "ghost categories." These categories do not display a list of bestselling books, so they are completely invisible to customers browsing categories on Amazon. A staggering 27 percent of the categories available to select in Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) fall into this practically useless "ghost category" bucket, offering authors no tangible benefit. Fortunately, Publisher Rocket now provides a useful feature that identifies these ghost categories to avoid. 

Furthermore, it's imperative to note that Amazon retains full discretion to dictate the final number of categories your book is placed into. Even if you choose a specific category as one of your three selections, there is no guarantee Amazon will actually put your book into that category. Kindlepreneur's analysis found instances where Amazon added books to extra categories authors did not pick. Ensure your book legitimately fits the categories you select by choosing some the categories keywords that are associated with it. If Amazon sees your book includes keywords that are specific for that category, then they will most likely keep your book in the category you chose. Publisher Rocket provides a list of keywords that Amazon identifies as specific for each category, which is helpful.

Amazon's approach is centered on optimizing the overall customer experience. Their terms of service state, "We reserve the right to change the categories of a book at any time to ensure a positive customer service experience. The categories you add and the categories shown online may not always match. Your book may be added to additional categories or different categories to improve the customer service experience."

Given this provision, precision in your category picks is more critical than ever. Authors must be as specific and accurate as possible when making their crucial category selections. This is essential to ensure their books are positioned optimally into the categories that truly match their content and target audience.

Utilizing Tools and Adaptability

Amazon's recent category changes present new challenges for authors, but also open up opportunities for visibility if navigated strategically. The key is precision. Conduct detailed research, niche down into subcategories, and avoid pitfalls like duplicates and ghost categories. Leverage tools to identify keywords and analyze competition. With a methodical approach, it's possible to make every one of your three category selections count toward optimizing your book's Amazon presence. 

Though Amazon's category overhaul requires adjustment, authors who take the time to understand the new landscape can position their books for success. Implement a step-by-step process when selecting categories to ensure you maximize visibility. The new restrictions demand more research, but niche subcategories present less competition. With strategic category picks, your book can flourish with the right targeted exposure to readers. Adaptability and utilizing the right tools will enable you to thrive with Amazon's category changes.


Susan U. Neal, RN, MBA, MHS: Susan’s mission is to improve the health of the body of Christ. She has her RN and MBA degrees, as well as a master’s in health science. She is a CERTIFIED HEALTH AND WELLNESS COACHwith the American Association of Christian Counselors. She published five books, the Selah award winner 7 STEPS TO GET OFF SUGAR AND CARBOHYDRATES, CHRISTIAN STUDY GUIDE FOR 7 STEPS TO GET OFF SUGAR AND CARBOHYDRATES, HEALTHY LIVING JOURNAL, SCRIPTURE YOGAa #1 Amazon best-selling yoga book, and YOGA FOR BEGINNERSwhich ranked #3. She published two sets of Christian Yoga Card Decks and two Christian Yoga DVDs that are available at CHRISTINAYOGA.COM. Her digital product HOW TO PREVENT, IMPROVE, AND REVERSE ALZHEIMER’S AND DEMENTIA is a great resource. To learn more about Susan visit her website SUSANUNEAL.COM You can also connect with Susan on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and INSTAGRAM.

1 comment:

  1. Susan, thank you for the informative article on the new Amazon system of 3 Categories. It sounds like it can be helpful if we do our research.
