Saturday, February 15, 2025

The How's and Why's of Formal Versus Informal Writing

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

This question came from one of our community, Barbara Harper! I always appreciate questions like this because it’s easy to overlook some things and assume everyone knows what we’re talking about. Just FYI, when the issue came up, Barbara did her homework and figured out what these terms meant. But she went one step further and made sure we had the info here on The Write Conversation.

Sometimes we get told our writing is too formal or that we need to write more conversationally. That’s great feedback, but what are some specific techniques we can use and why do we need them?

Friday, February 14, 2025

Pursue Your Passion

by Lilka Raphael @Lilka_Raphael

Writing is my obsession, my passion. My relationship with it is one of the most complex and agonizing and richly vexing that I have in my life—Julianna Baggott

Each new year brings with it opportunities to stretch ourselves and hone our craft. Yet if writing is your passion, this typically requires us to exhibit discipline, commit time, and develop techniques that improve our writing.

Conferences and online resources help us push through boundaries and develop our talents. There are opportunities for every skill level. Some conferences skew toward those who are new to drafting a novel or a exploring a freelance writing career. There are also advanced conferences and workshops that cater to accomplished and acclaimed writers—authors with years of publishing experience and success. Whatever your status, there are endless options that provide knowledge and insight into traditional and self-publishing. Most importantly, these resources are fertile ground for connecting with other authors, agents, and making new friends who share our interests.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Inspiration for Writers from a Book

by Julie Lavender @JLavenderWrites

I recently served on two panels at a Georgia book festival. I and four other writers took turns answering writing questions, like: 

“How long have you been writing?” 

“How old were you when the writing bug hit?”

“How many books have you published?”

Then he asked a question that changed the dynamics of the conversation:

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Writing Articles as a Marketing Tool

by Linda Gilden @LindaGilden

Someone on this blog a week or so ago referred to “conference season.” Yes, that’s what we call it after Christmas when the conferences crank up again to help you with your writing. You always know it is coming so as writers you can start collecting change and what I call laundry money so you will be ready to join in all the writer fun. (“Laundry money” is what falls out of pockets when I wash the clothes and since I do the laundry, I put all my laundry money in a special place to use on something I would really like to do for myself. It is usually writing related but at least I have this little “Me fund” to do something I would otherwise not get to do.)

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

When You are Called to Write

by Cindy K. Sproles @CindyDevoted

You have chosen to write for God. Daily, you read this blog by Edie Melson and find guidance, teaching, and encouragement. Competition in the writing industry is stiff. It's tough in the Christian market, but if you think it's hard there, hold on should you aim toward the general market. 

We need to move our sights toward the general market. Write clean, write truth, and raise the standard bar, but it won't be easy. The world lurks behind the shelves, placing temptation and obstacles in your way. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Tips for Writing Great Dialogue

by Larry J. Leech II @LarryJLeechII

Mom likes to needle me that when I moved from baby talk to speaking English that I haven’t shut up since. Well, uh, she might be … uh, dare I write it, correct. 

Well, I’m probably not the only one. Gosh, I hope not. One thing for sure is that people talk—every day. Even in the modern age in which written communication is often done with texts, emails, and instant messaging, people still speak words. Some might mumble. Others may babble. But words are spoken.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Love the Togetherness of Being with Other Writers

by Martin Wiles @LinesFromGod

Christmas break gave some of our daughter and son-in-law’s boys extended time to stay with us for a few days here and there. But then, the final Saturday of Christmas break arrived. 

We picked up a few pizzas, headed for their house, and planned to eat and play a board game before leaving. The older of the two loves board games and played with us. The younger took off to the playroom and confiscated his iPad. The other two meandered about, doing first one thing and then another.