Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Should Writers Follow the Yellow Brick Road of Podcasting?

Edie here. Today I'm thrilled to bring you a fantastic post from a long-time writing friend of mine, Jennifer Hallmark. Besides being an author, Jennifer also has a great podcast. AND she has a wonderful new book that just released, Smoking Flax. Be sure to scroll to the end to see more info on her book and give her a warm TWC welcome!

Should Writers Follow the Yellow Brick Road of Podcasting?
by Jennifer Hallmark @JenniferHallmrk

I’m Jennifer Hallmark: author, blogger, and podcaster. I love what I do, but still stand in awe of the last title. 

Podcaster. Someone who hosts a podcast. And I’ve been creating episodes for three seasons. 107 episodes so far.

And guess what? I’m not a techno wizard. Not a computer science major. I don’t even own a Nintendo Switch. 

I’m a plain old writer, emphasis on old, who learned I could do whatever God led me to do, no matter how challenging the project. Podcasting is a rewarding adventure. My podcast can be heard at my website and on Christian Mix 106 radio. Also, on Spotify, Apple, and Google podcasts. For three seasons, my words have been broadcast over fifty-five countries. God allowed an introverted retired chicken farmer from Alabama to encourage women all over the world. Maybe He has plans for your words also.

How can you know? Podcasting, like The Wizard of Oz, follows a road where part of the journey is pleasant and sunny with friends by your side. And then there’s the struggles and troubles you run into just around the bend. If you decide to make the trip, here are ten steps I followed. Hopefully, these tips will help you decide if you want to follow the yellow brick road of podcasting.

10 Tips for Writers Before Starting a Podcast
  • I listened to many podcasts. Listening is an essential part of being a podcaster. Check out a variety of subjects, styles, and formats. Listen to more than one episode. Make a list of what you do like and don’t like.
  • I decided which format I wanted to use to create my episodes and determined my audience. I decided to create a solo cast, one without guests. Other formats include interview, educational, conversational, co-hosting, etc. My audience would be Christian women, targeting newer converts.
  • I decided on my brand/who I was and what the show would be about. Choose your name and brand. Mine is Determined to Dance podcast, a five-to-seven-minute encouraging word on how to persevere in our chaotic world. Each episode needs to connect with your brand. I used Fiverr to create a podcast cover and loaded podcast music for the intro and outro.
  • I chose a podcast hosting company. There are many but since I have a blog, I decided on Blubrry as it complemented other software I wanted to use.
  • I purchased equipment, editing and recording software, and a plugin compatible to my blog. I ordered a microphone, mic stand, and headphones. I purchased a program, Hindenburg Pro, to record and edit my podcast. I added a plugin to my blog so I could download directly from Hindenburg through my host Blubrry to my blog. (There are free versions of software such as Quicken, iMovie, and Zoom. Voice Recorder is free if you use a mobile device. Audacity is a free editing tool, also.)
  • I listened to more podcasts on how to podcast. I practiced sounding natural as I recorded myself and asked others their opinion. 
  • I experimented and learned how to use my hosting platform, recorder, editor, and plug-ins. I gave myself three months from the purchase of equipment to first episode. (If I had it to do over, I would have taken more time)
  • I chose a date to begin, sharing several blog posts ahead of time to build an audience. I tried to work out all the bugs and recorded practice sessions. I needed to make my environment sound friendly. You can use sound foam, pasteboard trifold boards, or even hang blankets around you to deaden echoes. 
  • Then I recorded the first podcast episode. Work on it until you are happy with what you have. Let people listen to you and share critiques. Then build up some excitement and launch that podcast!

Again, I’m a regular person. Prayer, perseverance, and lots of failed attempts littered the road on the way to my first episode. But I conquered the wicked witches of procrastination and fear in the end.

I love podcasting and found it probably more therapeutic for me than for any of my listeners. I’m actually on a sabbatical at the moment but you can listen to all three seasons on my website and on demand at Christian Mix 106.

Have you thought about podcasting? If you are interested in learning more about my journey, let Edie know in the comments. If you were to create a podcast, what would your show be about? I’d love to hear from you…

Smoking Flax
by Jennifer Hallmark

Who Is He—Really?
Almost nineteen-year-old Reed Anderson wants to belong in a world where he hasn’t always fit. Three days after graduation, he decides to ride a bus back to Louisiana and deal with the events of his thirteenth summer once and for all. Back then, he’d stood up to his abusive Pa, protecting Momma and his sister, taking control of his life. But who was the faded image of the child he saw that day? Aunt Lula predicted his life would shift and change. Something about space-time-continuum and the fourth dimension? He tucks her words into his heart. If he survives the shift, this could be his chance to start over. But the ghost child haunts his dreams. Even though six years have passed, does he want to confront the lies he’s always believed?

Jennifer Hallmark writes Southern fiction with a twist. Her website and newsletter focus on her books, love of the South, and favorite fiction. She loves reading and streaming science fiction, fantasy, and mysteries or her favorite subject—time travel.

Her latest novel, Smoking Flax, was released on January 16th 2024 with Elk Lake Publishing. She creates stories with unforgettable characters—her stories are a little eerie and otherworldly but with a positive turn.


  1. Great post, Jennifer! Podcasting isn't easy, that's for sure, but you've done it well!

    1. Thank you, Ane! It’s been a fun ride 😃

    2. Thank you, Ane! It's been a fun ride :) tried to answer on my phone and it came up anonymous. lol

  2. Jennifer, what a terrific article and I applaud your consistency and perserverance to launch your podcast. Thank you for the detailed steps in this process and it gave me insight that I too could launch a podcast (still considering and haven't made a decision). Well-done.

    author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition) [Follow the Link for a FREE copy]

  3. Terry, I'm sure you could create an awesome podcast with all your writing knowledge. :)

  4. Congratulations on your successful podcast, Jennifer! I admire your hard work and persistence.

  5. Thank you, Jennifer. I appreciate your sharing the way to get started!!
