Friday, January 19, 2024

A Proverb for Writers

by Crystal Bowman

God’s Word is alive and active. It speaks to us no matter what season of life we are in or whatever circumstances we face. As God speaks to us through His Word, He offers hope, guidance, wisdom, and encouragement for our everyday lives.

I recently read a verse in Proverbs that spoke loud and clear to me as a writer: “The person who gets wisdom is good to himself. And the one who has understanding will succeed” Proverbs 19:8, ICB.

So, what does this verse mean to writers? Plenty! 

Acquire wisdom:
  • Read books or articles about writing and publishing. Read books or articles about grammar, voice, and POV. Read books in the genre that interests you. 
  • Seek wise counsel. Contact writers who have gone before you and ask questions. Explore their websites and follow them on their social media.
  • Pray and ask God to direct your writing life and show you where your writing belongs. It may be a book, magazine article, or devotion. Be open to wherever He leads. 

Gain understanding:
  • Learn all you can about the writing and publishing process. Attend writers’ conferences to take classes and meet with authors, agents, and editors.
  • Explore publishers’ websites and read their submission guidelines.
  • Work with a coach or mentor to professionally prepare your manuscript and proposal before submitting it to a publisher.
  • Understand that the publishing industry is always changing, so be sure to access the most current information. Learn as much as you can about the business side of writing. When I began writing thirty years ago, social media and platform did not exist. Today they do.

The benefits of wisdom and understanding:

Did you notice the positive messages tucked inside this short Proverb? Writers who gain wisdom are good to themselves. Gaining wisdom is beneficial for all areas of our lives, including writing. 

Having understanding will help writers to succeed. The more you understand about the writing and publishing process, the more you increase your chances of getting published. Success is not about becoming a best-selling author (though that may happen). Rather, it’s about reaching your goal of being published so others can be inspired by your words.

A Challenge for Writers:

We recently flipped the calendar to begin a new year. What writing goals have you set for this year and what steps are you taking to reach those goals? Why not make this proverb one of your focus verses for 2024? Gain wisdom and understand—and be good to yourself! 


Crystal Bowman is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 100 books for children and families. She also writes lyrics for children’s piano music and is a monthly contributor to Clubhouse Jr. Magazine, Arise Daily, and Christian Children's Authors. She enjoys coaching children's writers as well as teaching at writers conferences. When she is not writing or speaking, she likes going for walks and spending time with her huggable grandkids. She and her husband live in Michigan and Florida and try to avoid snowstorms.


  1. Thank you, Crystal, for this inspiring post. It blessed me!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, MaryAnn. I am glad it blessed you.

  2. Thank you for your article. Up until now I have not put much effort into the business end. Your piece makes sense and is helpful. One of my goals this year is to be growing and appreciative of the Holy Spirit, and what he does in my life. I want to allow the Holy Spirit to use me to write for our God.

    1. You are on the right track, Art! Allowing God to use you and your writing is what it's all about.

  3. The book of Proverbs is full of wisdom. Thank you for pointing out this verse that's so important to writers.

  4. You are so welcome. I love the wisdom that is in the book of Proverbs.
