Friday, February 14, 2025

Pursue Your Passion

by Lilka Raphael @Lilka_Raphael

Writing is my obsession, my passion. My relationship with it is one of the most complex and agonizing and richly vexing that I have in my life—Julianna Baggott

Each new year brings with it opportunities to stretch ourselves and hone our craft. Yet if writing is your passion, this typically requires us to exhibit discipline, commit time, and develop techniques that improve our writing.

Conferences and online resources help us push through boundaries and develop our talents. There are opportunities for every skill level. Some conferences skew toward those who are new to drafting a novel or a exploring a freelance writing career. There are also advanced conferences and workshops that cater to accomplished and acclaimed writers—authors with years of publishing experience and success. Whatever your status, there are endless options that provide knowledge and insight into traditional and self-publishing. Most importantly, these resources are fertile ground for connecting with other authors, agents, and making new friends who share our interests.

Specialized workshops and courses target specific genres. They span a broad range from romance, thrillers, and killers to picture books and religious content. Online opportunities also abound. However, the time to find what you need is now. Most dates for this year’s conferences have already been set. 

Not quite confident about a conference? Then consider online courses to improve your writing skills. I took one online course and was puzzled to find that some of those grammar rules drilled into me decades ago changed. If you write for a broad audience, there are current trends and social norms to consider. Some rules have been relaxed as digital content expands. Resonating with readers is increasingly more important to editors than a fixation on Old English guidelines.

If we are truly engaged in our craft, we can never learn too much about the developments in the publishing industry. Like everything else, preferences and priorities change. What we learned five years ago may now be obsolete. Staying connected and mindful of prevailing practices allows us to be intentional. We can then better identify our target audience, potential publishers, and the most effective ways to market our work. 

Invest in resources that align with your goals. Consider a second look at workshops or conferences you disregarded previously. Commit to pursuing something that reignites the flame that inspired you to write. We should continually strive to expand our talents and maximize them. Our gifts aren’t for our own sake but rather to teach, nurture, and entertain others. 

Be intentional. When we pursue our passion, we are eventually rewarded for our efforts. 

Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. Proverbs 21:21 NKJV


A Florida native, Lilka Finley Raphael has been a licensed pharmacist for over thirty years. Her passions for writing, gardening, and photography prompted her to share her experiences and life lessons on her blogs B Is for Blessed and God, autism, & me. You can learn more about her at

Lilka’s greatest achievements are her two adult sons who have flown the nest. Happily married for thirty-two years, she lives east of Atlanta with her husband, Rod. They now share their home with two German Shepherds—Holly and Ivy—and one naughty kitty, Moxie.

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