Thursday, February 13, 2025

Inspiration for Writers from a Book

by Julie Lavender @JLavenderWrites

I recently served on two panels at a Georgia book festival. I and four other writers took turns answering writing questions, like: 

“How long have you been writing?” 

“How old were you when the writing bug hit?”

“How many books have you published?”

Then he asked a question that changed the dynamics of the conversation:

“Which author has influenced your writing the most?” 

In the second or two of pondering, I thought of several children’s authors whom I adored from my single-digit years and a few children’s authors I’ve come to know personally after becoming a writer. 

Before anyone had a chance to speak, Sonya, my new friend on the end whom I’d only known about seventeen minutes, said, “God.” 

A hush fell over the room. Eyebrows raised. The moderator suddenly lost his game. 

“Well, nobody wants to go after that,” I admitted. Laughter erupted as I added, “I’m so embarrassed—I wasn’t going to say God for my answer.” 

I winked at Sonya. “Great answer,” I whispered. 

After we recovered and giggled a little more, added an answer or two, the moderator continued. 

“Most authors tend to read more than one book at a time, and within our panel here we have fiction writers, non-fiction ones, those who write for children, those who address adults mostly, general market authors, as well as faith-based writers.

“How many books are you currently reading? Tell us how many books are on your bedside table.” 

My friend Jeannie said four. I answered three. Katherine said four. 

You wanna know smarty-pants’ answer? 

Without missing a beat, Sonya said, “Sixty-six.”

The room broke out in laughter again, and her husband—the pastor on the front row videoing his precious wife—stood up and gave her a high-five. 

We giggled. We learned. We shared. We grew.

Later, I couldn’t help but think of Sonya’s answers. I’m ashamed I didn’t give God the credit due Him as spontaneously as my sweet friend did. It made me ponder those sixty-six books she referred to. 

After the conference, I googled “top verses” from several books of the Bible to locate Scripture I could apply to my writing. Here are a few verses that stood out to me from Sonya’s sixty-six books, collected into the most magnificent Book ever published. 

I encourage you to apply these to your writing journey and then share a few of your favorites with us in the comments. 

Bible Verses for Writers

* The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1) 

This one reminds me we sometimes have to step out of our comfort zone in our writing.

* There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

From this verse, I’m reminded of God’s perfect timing for writing acceptances and publishings.

* Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)

I’m not always going to understand rejections, but I can trust God’s plan.

* Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

Most writers aren’t involved in this industry for the money. Very few make top dollars. When I focus on the ministry side of my writing, I am content with payments, however small they sometimes seem.

* For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18)

Christian writers have the opportunity to dispel foolishness and share the gospel. What a joy to boast on the power of God!

* If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5)

Writers’ block? Ask God for wisdom and guidance.

* “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

When I switch “royal position” with “be a writer,” I’m convinced I have the opportunity to share Christ with others through my writing “for such a time as this.” 

* But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. (1 Samuel 12:24)

I’m grateful for each writing project the Lord sends my way. I hope you’re thankful for the opportunity to be used by God for His Kingdom purposes through your writing as well.

* But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. (2 Chronicles 15:7)

Persevere, my writer friend. Don’t give up!

* Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)

If God’s called you to writing, He will carry you through to completion. You can count on that promise!

What about you? Will you share a verse that relates to your writing journey, one that holds special meaning?


Julie Lavender loves applying God’s Word to every aspect of her life, but especially likes to make connections between Scripture and her writing journey. She writes for “all seasons of life” to include kiddie lit, educational books for kids, publications for adults, faith-based pieces, general market submissions, short pieces, and books. Recently, she’s enjoyed diving into a co-authoring relationship with her husband, and the two proudly proclaim they make a pretty good team in that arena of their lives, too.


  1. The Israelites are between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army. Moses tells the Israelites, The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Then verse 15 the Lord tells Moses to have the Israelites to move on. Verse 16 the Lord tells Moses to raise his staff and stretch out his hand to divide the water.
    Exodus 14: 14-16
    Verse 14 reminds me that it is not my battle. It is theLord’s. Verse 15 tells me to move on in verse 16 tells me the Lord will provide a way.

    1. I LOVE this, Art! Great thoughts from the Old Testament to ponder and relate to our writing life!

  2. Seems you sure can pick great friends Ms. Julie, and that Ms. Sonya sounds like a good 'un to have. Then again, all the names you included are. :-) Thanks for sharing such inspiring thoughts with us.

    1. Yes, my friend! You know and encourage those two I mentioned, and I'm thinking you and Sonya would become fast friends!

  3. Well, that makes a writer stop and think:)) Thanks for sharing.

    1. I love the joy of connecting God's Word to my life ... especially in the writing arena! Just as I should be connecting His Word to everything in life! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  4. I love this! Thanks for sharing. What a great book festival that must have been!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting! It was a really fun book festival! So much fun to see faces I knew and meet new ones, too!

  5. My commissioning verse from many years ago is from Isaiah 50:4-5. With a few words switched as you did with the Esther verse, the first part states, "The Lord has given me the pen of a writer that I might know how to write a word in season to him who is weary." I'm a mercy so this fits my spiritual gift and the writing one my Father gave me.

    The second verse is the one I think I need to heed more today: "The Lord has opened my pen (computer), and I was not rebellious nor turned away." Too often, I choose other activities over writing. Sure, much of that is driven by emotional/mental baggage, but it doesn't say anything in that verse about doing it after my mood/emotional state is better. May His Gentle Spirit guide me and help me follow His commission ... for such a time as this -- a time when this weary world needs to hear about Him more than ever.

    1. I love your thoughts here, Cathy! And you're definitely right - He doesn't tell me to "do this and that" when my mood is just right or I have everything else on my to-do list marked off! Thanks for the reminder, my friend!

  6. Love this message! Thank you for sharing with us. :-)

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, my friend! It's always a joy to share my writing thoughts with fellow authors like you!

  7. What a wonderful post, Julie. I include Psalm 28:7 on the Acknowledgements page of all my novels: "The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him."

    1. I LOVE that you include the same verse on your acknowledgement pages! That's awesome! I do the same with "Taste and see that the Lord is good ...." It's fun to have a theme verse for our writing!

  8. I was there, Julie! The session you described was my favorite of the day because of the camaraderie in the panel, the on-his-toes moderator, and the joyful attendees. I laughed so much! Thanks for these verses. A go-to verse I have written on a sticky note and stuck to a tissue box next to my chair is from 2 Timothy 1:7 ---For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
