Friday, October 11, 2024

Three Tips to Move Forward When You find Yourself Writing in Circles

by Lilka Raphael @Lilka_Raphael

Three Steps to Minimize Writing Frustration

“I am irritated by my own writing. I am like a violinist whose ear is true, but whose fingers refuse to reproduce precisely the sound he hears within.” Gustave Flaubert

In a perfect world, we would write from beginning to end without delay and interruption. However, life happens. A writer’s life is often circular, not linear. The process of writing is plagued with insertions, deletions, and revisions. We can have the best of plans only to succumb to circumstances beyond our control.

When we feel like we are going in circles, it is tempting to quit. Still, the very things that delay our plans can also teach us empathy and grant us insight that benefits our readers. Here are three suggestions to minimize the vexation that accompanies the privilege of writing.

1. Stop Writing
Though counterintuitive, it may be time to put our efforts elsewhere. Do not remain bogged down with a project to the detriment of other viable opportunities. Be willing to pivot and invest time in something else. If you are concentrating on one project, consider jumping ahead to another chapter. When we acquiesce to writing in a different sequence, our creativity can flow freely. We can then resume our original work with a fresh perspective that obliterates writer’s block.

2. Trust Your Instincts
Writing is often challenging but it should not be a battle. If you struggle to write the words, your audience may struggle to read them. Forcing something that is not quite finished toward publication is one of the biggest regrets I hear from other writers. If they had taken more time, spoken to another agent, or selected a different publisher, their work would have met their expectations. Rushing forward isn’t always the answer. Everything we write is not suitable for immediate publication. Patience allows us to remain confident as we await the proper timing, market conditions, and industry professionals that will allow our work to shine. 

3. Trust God’s Timing
We all crave immediate success. Yet, we may not be mature enough to manage the blessing we pray for. God must prepare us for the pitfalls that accompany our gains. Likewise, our blessings are connected to other people. It’s not all about us. Trust God to put the pieces together at the designated time. We can remain at peace when we flow with setbacks instead of fighting them. Every delay is not an obstacle. Instead, view them as detours that allow us time to refine our work.

Breathe. Take the pressure off. Frustration stifles creativity. Navigating life’s challenges through prayer, discipline, and perseverance will allow us to contain it.

And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises (Hebrews 6:11-12 NKJV).


A Florida native, Lilka Finley Raphael has been a licensed pharmacist for over thirty years. Her passions for writing, gardening, and photography prompted her to share her experiences and life lessons on her blogs B Is for Blessed and God, autism, & me. You can learn more about her at

Lilka’s greatest achievements are her two adult sons who have flown the nest. Happily married for thirty-two years, she lives east of Atlanta with her husband, Rod. They now share their home with two German Shepherds—Holly and Ivy—and one naughty kitty, Moxie.