Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tips to Use Titles to Draw People to Your Blog

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

Beginnings and endings are critical to our success as a blogger. I’ve spent years blogging and learning how to get blog posts found with a topical search. Digital rules are constantly changing. And now, with AI, they have morphed yet again. So today I’m presenting some updated guidelines we need to consider to make sure our readers engage. 

Start with the title of your post. Your title will make or break your post’s visibility. With a good title, the post will rank higher in the search engines. It will have context on social media, and it will give your reader a way to evaluate whether or not the post is relative to them (more specifics about titles in the next chapter). 

Yeah, it’s that important. And I spend at least as much time and energy on composing an effective title as I do writing the entire post. 

Tips to Come Up with a Good Blog Title 

  • Make sure your post contains a phrase that is something a reader would type into a search engine to find the information within your post. I originally used used the phrase: The Importance of Beginnings and Endings in Blogging. Yes, that’s what that post was about, but that’s not something many people would be searching for and it’s a little niche. So instead I changed the title to Use Titles to Draw People to Your Blog. But even that could be improved upon. Readers love tips and takeaways, so I finally settled on Tips to Use Titles to Draw People to Your Blog. Not very exciting, but super effective. 
Then I verified this was an effect title by running it through I'm looking for a score of at least 40. This title came in at 50.
  • It’s also critical to choose a title that will have relevance if it’s read somewhere other than on your site. For example, suppose the title and link are shared on social media with-
out an accompanying image. Does the person reading it have enough context to know what the title pertains to. Here’s what I mean, let’s go back to the original title I was considering, The Importance of Beginnings and Endings. That title 
is not good because that title has no context. We have no way of knowing whether that refers to life, marriage, blogging or writing a novel. 
  • Begin your post with an anecdote or a story. SEO has changed and to set human-written posts apart from AI written posts this is something we can do. After the story, front load the information contained within the post. This is just a fancy way of saying we need to share the takeaway first. In my opening paragraphs I told you what I’d share in this post. Sum up what you’re going to share before you get into the details. 

  • Write your post using bold headings,
lists and lots of white space. Reading on a mobile device, or even a computer is harder on our eyes than reading a physical magazine or book. That’s why we must format for an audience who uses those mediums. 

  • Choose a sans serif font for
readability. This means something without those extra flourishes (called serifs). I recommend Ariel, Verdana, or Helvetica. Times New Roman is never a good choice for online readability. This site, The Write Conversation, uses Verdana. 

  • Use block formatting. This means no indented paragraphs and an extra blank line between paragraphs. 

  • Use shorter sentences and shorter paragraphs. Sentences shouldn’t be over twelve words in length. A block of text (paragraph) shouldn’t exceed six lines. 

  • Choose a header image (called a feature image in WordPress) that illustrates the focus of your post. For extra click-throughs on social media, make sure you make it into a meme with the title of your post embedded in the image. 

  • Include a Click to Tweet. This is an embedded link that makes it easier for readers to share your post on social media. By including this one feature, your posts will be shared approximately sixty percent more on social media. 

  • Wrap it up with a call to action. No, this doesn’t mean you should try to sell them something. Instead, it’s up to you to get the conversational ball rolling. We all want to engage with those who read our posts. And we have to spell out how to do it. So end each post with one of these options: 
    • An open-ended question. A yes or no question stops the conversation. Instead use something that leads to discussion or sharing of opinions. 
    • A challenge. Sometimes an open- ended question just doesn’t fit (as
in some devotions). Instead issue a challenge, maybe something like this: 
    • “Today I’ve decided to make a difference by looking for ways to reach out to others, will you join me?” 
  • Wrap up everything with a specific set of instructions of what to do. Often I end my posts with something like:
    • “Now it’s your turn ... be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below.” 

All of these tips will help you build an audience that’s loyal, engaged, and willing to share your posts with their friends and family. 


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives.Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, X (formally Twitter) and on Instagram.


  1. Great information. Thank you for sharing such practical helps.

  2. This is just what I needed. Thanks. The link to is fabulous. I was able to generate and tweak 12 Titles for blogs I would write ranking between 55 and 83.3 in about an hour. I got a lot faster as I got the feel for what they wanted. Great learning tool.
