Monday, August 19, 2024

Thought-Provoking Epitaphs to Help Writers Avoid the Marketing Cemetery

by Karen Whiting @KarenHWhiting

Excuses, good intentions, fear, low confidence, and not following through have consequences, especially in marketing books. Let these humorous epitaphs nudge you to improve your attitudes and strategies.

Here lie the writers that might have been,
they attended no classes or conferences.
Spent nary a penny for marketing help,
needed skills but avoided expenses.

Grumbling and lack of funds are not productive excuses. Check out free tools available plus ways to save and earn money or barter. I started writing as my oldest entered college and my husband had no job. I wrote for my church bulletin and they helped pay for a conference. I found businesspeople who invested frequent flyer miles for me to go. As I learned more, I also found magazine editors, including at conferences, to write for and saved the income to attend the following year. I listed books on marketing on my Christmas list and got them. If you care, you'll find a way.

Piles and piles of unsold books
reveal the great mind of this writer.
Without promotion his books just lie
in some box out of reach of a reader.

You may believe your book is so great that it will sell itself or that God will make sure it sells, but it needs you to get the word out and make the book visible. Remember why you wrote the words and share that passion. Read how hard Paul worked at sharing the message God gave him. He never used hardship as an excuse, but viewed it as a challenge. Realize that God called you and expects you to market the message as Paul modeled.

Here lie what could have been great sales
But authors found marketing a bore.
Expecting that editors did that,
And wondered why sales didn’t soar.

It's your book so don't leave it orphaned. No one has the same passion for the book as you do. Revisit why you wrote the book and post those reasons. Even if we have a big launch team and a good start, we still need to keep marketing the book. Build on the start with interviews, posts and more to shine a light on the book and why people need it.

Here lie those misguided writers
whose marketing never got strong.
With hit or miss efforts, all self-taught,
and strategies totally wrong.

We need to learn from those who succeed by taking workshops, reading marketing books, and applying what has worked for other writers. That includes following and implementing the posts in the Write Conversation blog. Follow people whose books sell, especially in your genre, and use ideas taught.

Here lie piles of marketing tools
Bookmarks . . . courses . . . webinars too.
These writers lost focus and gave up on them,
while disciplined writers followed through.

All the knowledge you gain and workshops you take are no help if you don't apply the knowledge and execute a plan to promote the book. Choose what promotion ideas you think will fit your book and motivate your audience to buy. Then write goals, add the steps to your calendar, and do them!

Here lies a writer who lacked discipline.
Good intentions are never enough.
Hit or miss efforts give half-baked work.
Poor marketing efforts produce only fluff.

Just having ideas is not enough. You need a real plan with steps and scheduled times to put them into action. Keep a list of what to do in minutes as well as the big plans that take longer. Get an accountability partner to encourage you to work at the marketing and follow through. Also ask people to pray for your marketing efforts.

Here lie many unknown writers
who lacked good marketing sense.
They needed to promote their books
to reach their target audience.

Know your audience and hang out where they gather. That means posting on the social media they use, writing for magazines they read, and listening to their desires and hopes. Respond to those who post or ask questions. Be available to listen and interact. Build relationships so they will become followers.

Here lies a fun-loving author.
The jokes in his sales pitch were fun.
But they gave no reason to want a book.
The people laughed but bought none.

Take marketing seriously and consider how to share the real message of the book that readers need. If you lack creativity to state the message in a few ways seek help from AI (Chatgpt) to give you several slogans or promotional messages. That can expand your vision and marketing direction.

Here lies a wannabe writer of books
in every word she bared her soul 
Then rejections came and knocked her down,
With words unread when she gave up her goal.

It takes persistence. A few well laid plans may fall apart or not work out, but as long as you believe in the book keep promoting it. Try new ways, ask others for ideas, and come up with new plans. My coauthor and I, disappointed by lack of sales from our efforts made new plans and continue to market. We're beginning to see some results. The efforts add up.

Paul arrived in Athens and walked around until he found a new strategy of connecting a statue to an unknown god to the real God. He used every opportunity. Be creative like Paul, and open to new strategies.

Persistence and Application of writing and marketing ideas will pay off!


Karen Whiting (WWW.KARENWHITING.COM) is an international speaker, former television host of Puppets on Parade, certified writing and marketing coach, and award-winning author of twenty-seven books for women, children, and families. Her newest book, The Gift of Bread: Recipes for the Heart and the Table reflects her passion for bread and growing up helping at her grandparent’s restaurant. Check out her newest book Growing a Mother’s Heart: Devotions of Faith, Hope, and Love from Mothers Past, Present, and Future. It's full of heartwarming and teary-eyed stories of moms.

Karen has a heart to grow tomorrow’s wholesome families today. She has written more than eight hundred articles for more than sixty publications and loves to let creativity splash over the pages of what she writes. She writes for Crosswalk. Connect with Karen on Twitter @KarenHWhiting Pinterest KarenWhiting FB KarenHWhiting.


  1. Chriswells.grace@gmail.comAugust 19, 2024 at 9:43 AM

    Great post and gentle nudge, Karen! :)

  2. Karen,

    Thank you for this marketing inspiration. It's not easy for anyone--including me. Persistence and steady effort is key. I love the saying, "It won't fly if you don't try."

    author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition) [Follow the Link for a FREE copy]

  3. Love this! Karen, thank you for this inspirational message. :-)

    1. Thought it would add a little humor

  4. Very creative way to get the point across, Karen. I love it.

    1. Thanks so much. I am not a good poet so my friendJanice D. Green and my son Jmes helped with the rhyming and rhythm.

  5. Many good points. Thanks for the challenges and encouragement.
