Saturday, June 29, 2024

3 Tips to Get Restarted After a Writing Conference

by Ginny Cruz, MPA, PT

Writers' conferences offer incredible opportunities for learning and networking. However, for introverted writers like most of us, the energy and social interactions can leave us drained. The challenge of restarting our writing after the conference can be particularly daunting.

Having attended several writers' conferences, including the incredible Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, I have learned a few ways to get restarted when I return home.

Here are some suggestions:

3 Tips to Restart Your Writing

  • 1. Take time to rest. Writers’ conferences get me excited over new ideas yet burdened with doubts about my abilities. And, frustration that I'm not there yet, wherever “there” is. All those competing emotions tire me. After a conference, I enjoy reading, watching movies, and napping. You want to allow your mind to relax. Beware of the temptation to compare which can cripple some of us to the point we put the writing down and never pick it up again. Do not let that be you. 
  • 2. Ask God to reveal your next writing move. All the new information you receive at the conference can cause writer's block. Pray for God to direct your next move. Wait for a sense of purpose and a renewal of energy towards what God reveals. You must care deeply about your readers' needs in order to put in the work to write for them. I often find some projects need shelving for a time.
  • 3. Accept that you need pruning. Matthew 15:2 NIV states, “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” God may lop off some of your favorite projects in order for your writing to bear the best fruit. He may trim good things that sap your creativity. On my journey, He has closed publishing doors in order to aim me toward the correct opportunity. He has made me wait longer than I wanted to deepen my trust in His timing. He has slowly revealed who my readers are and what they need from me. He must do the same with you. For your writing to serve His purpose, you must allow Him to prune so your fruit nourishes your readers.

Are you struggling to get back to writing after your conference? I have been there, too. God has the answers you need. After you nap for a few days, maybe write something for fun. Reorganize your projects so you can focus on what truly matters to you. And take time to grieve those closed doors and the pain of things not going as you planned. Growing pains are unpleasant. No one longs for pruning and disappointment. However, writing for God means our voice must convey life’s realities. And real life includes undesirable experiences. It is okay if it takes time to restart your writing, but please begin somewhere. 

What are some ways you get restarted after a conference? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below!


Ginny Cruz, MPA, PT is a pediatric physical therapist, early intervention specialist, and award-winning author. Her writing encourages and teaches moms simple and effective ways to help their baby meet developmental milestones. In addition to writing, she enjoys hiking, reading, and camping with her husband. Find out more at, Instagram, or Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Ginny, thank you for these wonderful tips. They're perfect for anytime we return to our writing after a major disruption.
