Monday, May 20, 2024

Spiritual Loving Care for Your Writing Friends

by Karen Whiting @KarenHWhiting

Marketing and writing can discourage writers with rejection, low sales, poor platform, or getting stuck in the writing process. A friend recently thanked me for a little care package of silly items that she is opening up slowly to keep her going. It's not costly and filled with little dollar store and office items I had around the house, but matched with words and scriptures to lift her spirits.

If you have a friend who needs a lift, consider sending some spiritual loving care. Let some of it be silly to bring a laugh while adding a scripture or encouraging thought. Here are some fun items plus a few practical ones to help promote your friend's book. Some fit in a box and some are ones to share online. A suggested scripture is added to each idea.
  • Pencil sharpener and question: Not happy with edits? Mention that sometimes our words need more refining, so be open to learning and rewriting, even if you have to keep sharpening your pencil and your mind [Hebrews 12:11].
  • Create a few memes for your friend's book and email them with a note of encouragement [Jeremiah 29:11].
  • Seashells with the question, 'Time for a change?' Seashells, beautiful as they are, remind us that God’s creatures know when to abandon something and move on to something new. Perhaps it is time to pray for direction and see if God has a new approach, or idea for a new proposal [Isaiah 42:9 KJV].
  • Create a short video of you holding your friend's book and giving a testimony that you post and tag your friend with a note that God binds you together [Colossians 3:14].
  • Small pompoms and a tag that you are his/her cheerleader. Note reasons you believe in your friend's writing [1 Thessalonians 5:11].
  • Bouncy ball with a note that you pray they bounce back with joy no matter the mistake or the problem [Psalm 24:16].
  • Post a review or send notes to friends or send a copy of the book to a friend who would enjoy it [Romans 12:10].
  • Chenille stems (aka pipe cleaners) as a reminder to be flexible and change as the Holy Spirit nudges [Romans 12:2]
  • Yo-yos and question, 'Feel like you are at the end of your rope?' Add a message to be thankful that holds the string. [Hebrews 2:4]
  • Packet of salt and reminder that well-seasoned conversation helps, and you available to listen [Colossians 4:6].
  • Recommend your friend to a media host as a guest [Proverbs 18:12].
  • An eraser for a friend facing a bad review, hard critique, or other pain caused by a thoughtless remark or action. Let it be a reminder to forgive and ask for God's wisdom if change is needed [Colossians 3:13]
  • Folder tabs and question, 'Feeling disorganized?' Suggest a few tools that might help [1 Corinthians 14:33].
Writing can be lonely with no one in the home who gets it. Your care can make a difference!


Karen Whiting (WWW.KARENWHITING.COM) is an international speaker, former television host of Puppets on Parade, certified writing and marketing coach, and award-winning author of twenty-seven books for women, children, and families. Her newest book, The Gift of Bread: Recipes for the Heart and the Table reflects her passion for bread and growing up helping at her grandparent’s restaurant. Check out her newest book Growing a Mother’s Heart: Devotions of Faith, Hope, and Love from Mothers Past, Present, and Future. It's full of heartwarming and teary-eyed stories of moms.

Karen has a heart to grow tomorrow’s wholesome families today. She has written more than eight hundred articles for more than sixty publications and loves to let creativity splash over the pages of what she writes. She writes for Crosswalk. Connect with Karen on Twitter @KarenHWhiting Pinterest KarenWhiting FB KarenHWhiting.


  1. Beautiful message. I am thankful for my writer friends, like you, who understand. :-)

  2. Karen,

    Thank you for this creative list of ideas for us to help others in the writing community. If I've learned anything in my years in publishing, it's that we need each other. I hope your list helps many writers reach out and get connected to others for encouragement and insight.

    author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition) [Follow the Link for a FREE copy]

  3. brilliant suggestions! thanks ever so much!
