Thursday, May 30, 2024

Bullet Journaling Tips for Writers

by Edie Melson @ediemelson

There’s a new organizational craze making its way around the world—Bullet Journaling. This process was created several years ago by Ryder Carroll as a way to “Track Your Past, Order Your Present, Plan Your Future.” I highly recommend watching this short video that explains the bullet journaling process. 

Below is the video I made to introduce you to my bullet journal. Further down is a list of Bullet Journal basics, along with a list of resources, websites, and Instagram accounts. 

I came a little late to this organizational process and discovered bullet journaling almost two years ago. Frankly, it has revolutionized my life. Up until this tracking system, I had never been able to keep up with a planner or a calendar with any consistency. I couldn’t even seem to find a way to keep dates accurately in my iPhone. 

Why does it work so well for me? Because it is flexible and customizable. 

Today I’m going to do more than just fan-girl over this way of keeping track. I’m going to break it down and share why I think it is so perfect for writers in particular.

BuJo (Short for Bullet Journal) Basics
At the core, the beauty of bullet journaling is something called rapid logging. This is the ability to organize tasks and information in a concise and precise way using lists and qualifiers (symbols).
  • Future Log
  • Monthly Log
  • Daily Log
·    Bullet is used to denote a task   
o      An open circle is used to denote an event   
-      A dash is used for notes

>   Task migrated
<   Task scheduled

This is everything else, from lists, logs, daily tasks & goals, etc. Collections can include
  • Books
  • Films
  • Character Names
  • Bucket Lists
Logs could include
  • Word count
  • Article ideas
  • Memory verses
  • Goals
  • Meals & meal planning
Tips for Developing Personalized Daily Tasks & Goals
  • Write x number of words
  • Edit x number of words
  • Write/edit for x amount of time
Ideas for Planning
  • NaNoWriMo
  • Scene Mapping
  • Freelance Log
Other Ideas
  • Blogging calendar
  • List of publishers for a particular project
  • Checklist before submitting
  • Editing checklist
  • Checklist before publishing a blog 


Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives. Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, Twitter and on Instagram.

1 comment:

  1. At first I was following and then it got a bit overwhelming. Like you I am not artistic. I'm not a sticker fan. Even wikth a ruler my lines would be sloppy. How much time does it take to draw things? Do you hand draw the monthly calendar? Are their stickers for that? I like the idea of organizing my brain. There are nno links in this blog to examples as you mention in the video. Thanks for sharing your passion.
