Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Time for New in the Writing Life

by Tammy Karasek @TickledPinkTam

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven… Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV 

January always brings this verse to my mind when we begin a new year. A dear friend read this passage at my father’s funeral in January 1994. Though it was a sad day, this encouraged me that this was a season in my life, and changes would come. And they have.

When I flip the calendar to January, I’m reminded it’s a time for all things new, a season of change, and maybe resolutions or goal setting. I look forward to the great new things that will happen in the coming year. Setting goals and writing them down in my planner makes me giddy. Adding fun events make me smile. Marking deadlines for projects inspire me to stay on track. 

All of us can set personal goals to make our writing more productive, to be kind and helpful to our fellow writers and to show more Jesus in all that we write. But do we strive to achieve those goals? Or like that new gym membership, they become forgotten before February’s calendar page is turned. 

It’s up to each of us to make that choice to follow through. Will you set a goal this year to apply yourself more to your writing? Will you resolve to be on time at your desk, ready to do what is needed that day? Will you look for ways to engage with your fellow writers in a thoughtful and encouraging way? 

I’d mulled these specific thoughts for myself regarding my writing this year and written down a few goals. Then I read a scripture passage one morning, and found a new verse to apply to my writing goals for this year: 

He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making 
everything new! Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words 
are trustworthy and true.
Revelation 21:5 NIV

I realize this passage is referring to the New Jerusalem, but it struck me that He is making everything new for me as well in this coming year regarding my writing journey. There are many changes on the horizon for me in my writing path. Some good, some—just will be. Maybe there will be changes for you as well. But this passage gave me extra wind in my sails, so to speak. I was greatly encouraged and grabbed it for myself and did as it said—I wrote it down as words that are trustworthy and true since they are from God. 

Will this be your year for the gospel to shine brightly through your written words for others to see Him? Will you encourage your fellow writers to do the same? I pray you write it down that the Lord is making all things new and you resolve to grab this season for your writing and give it your best. 

There really is a time for everything and He will make new things for us all the time.

We’d love to hear your take on this topic of newness in your writing for this upcoming year. Please share something new you’re looking forward to in your writing journey. 


Tammy Karasek uses humor and wit to bring joy and hope to every aspect in life. Her past, filled with bullying and criticism from family, drives her passion to encourage and inspire others and give them The Reason to smile. She’s gone from down and defeated to living a “Tickled Pink” life as she believes there’s always a giggle wanting to come out! A writer of Romance—with a splash of sass. She’s also The Launch Team Geek helping authors launch their books and also a Virtual Assistant for several best-selling authors. Don't miss her recent book, LAUNCH THAT BOOK, just released in November. 

Her work was also published in a Divine Moments Compilation Book—Cool-inary Moments. She’s also the Social Media Manager for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, Founding President and current Vice-President of ACFW Upstate SC, and Founding President of Word Weavers Upstate SC. She’s a writing team member for The Write Conversation Blog, Novel Academy, MBT Monday Devotions, The Write Editing and more. Connect with Tammy at HTTPS://WWW.TAMMYKARASEK.COM.


  1. Great article, Tammy. I love new beginnings and the scriptures you shared are so applicable to writers.

    1. Thank you, may you have a great writing year!

  2. I'm looking forward to the new opportunities that God will present so that I may help bring others closer to Him. God knows His plan already. I pray I will be listening and hearing and ready to serve Him. :-)

    1. Sounds like a great plan for 2024, for sure, Melissa!

  3. Melissa is spot on. A church leader once said we could surely find time for prayer to start my day, 5 seconds while getting out of bed: "God help me see and hear all the new opportunities to serve you that's put before me today." It's a truth I'll never forget.

  4. Thanks for this uplifting post, Tammy. So many wonderful new opportunities in 2024. With God's guidance, I hope to publish my first middle-grade novel this year.

  5. Yes, 2024 is looking good already. And I pray that book is published!

  6. Thank you, Tammy, for this good word! Blessings to you! :)

  7. I am looking forward to the new experience of coauthoring this year. It is good to reassess and look for what God is directing to bring something new (or something old refreshed) into out lives.

  8. Thank you for sharing such inspiring words, Tammy! Last year I had plans to write something I wanted to write, but I didn’t have peace about it. At the end of last year, God placed something specific on my heart to write about. But I’ll be honest—it’s not something I would’ve chosen to write about. So my challenge is to surrender my will and persevere in writing the book God wants me to write for His glory, not mine.
