Tuesday, December 19, 2023

7 Ways for Writers to Guard Our Focus

by Dr. Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes @KHutch0767

Whenever the year comes to an end, I often find it challenging to drum up the passion to complete my to-do lists while also preparing for the upcoming season. I’m constantly guarding my focus to finish strong. As an author, staying motivated throughout the year can be difficult. Sometimes, we confuse passion with motivation. However, the truth is that we don't always have to feel passion or inspired to write. What matters most is showing up and committing to the task at hand. 

Sometimes, I find it hard to motivate myself to go to the gym and work out. However, I have come to realize that I have never regretted the time I spent exercising. In fact, I always feel glad that I followed through with my commitment to myself. The results of working out are always worth it. Similarly, when it comes to writing, the process of getting the right result is what truly matters. It may not always be easy to sit down and write, but the result is always worth the effort. Whether it takes a few drafts or a lot of editing, the important thing is that we keep pushing ourselves to achieve the best possible outcome.

As a writer, it's common to feel isolated and disheartened when progress seems slow. However, there are various strategies that can help us stay motivated and on track toward achieving our writing objectives. By implementing these techniques, we can maintain our focus and momentum, even during challenging times.

Guard Your Writing Focus with These 7 Tips

1. Create Small Attainable Goals

It's important to set daily goals that are achievable and realistic. When we set goals that are too lofty or difficult, we can become overwhelmed and discouraged, which can lead to giving up altogether. Instead, it's best to create a plan of action with clear and specific goals that we can realistically attain. This will help us stay motivated and focused and increase our chances of successfully following through with our plans. Take some time to think about what you want to accomplish each day, and set goals that are challenging yet achievable. With a little effort and determination, we can make progress towards our goals and achieve success.

2. Focus on the Reader

It's crucial to always keep our readers in mind. We should envision the reader as a single person and write specifically for them as if our lives depended on it. This laser-like focus helps us to hone in on our craft, genre, and audience in a more specific manner. By doing so, we can create content that resonates with our readers and keeps them engaged. It's important to remember that our readers are the reason we write, and we should always strive to provide them with the best possible experience.

3. Remember Your Purpose

As authors, we primarily aim to use our writing to share our faith and inspire others. Our words have the power to touch people's hearts and transform their lives. Therefore, we must remember this purpose as we write and let it motivate us to keep going even when the writing process gets tough. We must strive to create content that is engaging and informative and reflects our values and beliefs. By doing so, we can positively impact our readers and help them grow in their faith.

4. Set Achievable Goals

When it comes to achieving our writing goals, it's important to set realistic and attainable targets. One effective way to do this is by breaking down our project into smaller, more manageable tasks. By doing so, we can avoid feeling overwhelmed and stay motivated throughout the writing process. Additionally, setting deadlines for each task can help us stay on track and ensure that we make steady progress toward our goal. As we complete each task, we'll feel a sense of accomplishment and be more motivated to continue working toward our larger writing project.

5. Find a Writing Community

Writing can often feel like a solitary activity, but it doesn't have to be that way. We can benefit greatly from joining a writing group or community. These groups provide a supportive environment where we can share our work, receive constructive feedback, and find motivation to keep going. Being part of a writing community can also help us connect with other writers who share our interests and goals, and who can offer valuable insights and advice. Whether we're just starting out or have been writing for years, joining a writing group can be a great way to improve our craft and find the support we need to succeed.

6. Take Breaks

As writers, it's crucial to prioritize our mental and physical well-being. Taking regular breaks from writing can help us avoid burnout and maintain our creativity and productivity. By stepping away from our work and engaging in activities that bring us joy and relaxation, we can recharge our batteries and return to our writing with a fresh perspective and renewed energy. Be sure to carve out time for self-care and leisure, and not let our writing consume us entirely.

7. Pray

It can be challenging to stay motivated and inspired throughout the creative process. That's why prayer is an essential part of an author's routine. By seeking guidance, inspiration, and strength from God, we can tap into a source of creativity that goes beyond our abilities. When we pray, we acknowledge that our gift of writing comes from God, and we ask for His help in using it to glorify Him. By doing so, we can find renewed purpose and motivation in our work, knowing that we are not alone in our efforts. If we're feeling stuck or discouraged in our writing journey, take a moment to pray and ask for God's guidance. We may be surprised at the inspiration and clarity that comes our way.

Maintaining motivation as a writer requires a combination of purpose, achievable goals, community, rest, and prayer. By keeping these things in mind, we can stay focused on our writing goals and continue to inspire others through our work. Remember that our words have the power to impact lives and make a difference in the world. 


Dr. Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes is a review board member and contributor to Inkspirations (an online magazine for Christian writers), and her writing has been published in Guideposts. Her work in art/writing is distinguished by awards, including the New York Mayor’s Contribution to the Arts, Outstanding Resident Artist of Arizona, and the Foundations Awards at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference (2016, 2019, 2021). She is a member of Word Weavers International and serves as an online chapter president and mentor. She belongs to FWA (Florida Writers Association), ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), CWoC (Crime Writers of Color),

AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association), and AASA (American Association of School Administrators). She serves on the nonprofit organization Submersion 14 board and the 540 Writer’s Community board and is an art instructor for the nonprofit organization Light for the Future. Katherine hosts the podcast Murder, Mystery & Mayhem Laced with Morality. She has authored a Christian Bible study for women and is currently working on the sequel to her first general market thriller novel. Her thriller A Fifth of the Story will debut in February 2024 through Endgame Press.

Katherine flourishes in developmental editing and coaching writers. She has a twenty-year career in education, leadership, and journalism. Katherine freelances as an educational consultant for charter schools, home school programs, and churches. In this role, she has written and edited curriculum, led program development, and helped manage growth facilitating and public relations.

She also works as an editor and book coach through her consulting business. Katherine provides skill, accountability, and professionalism so clients can begin, develop, and finish their writing projects for publication.

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