Monday, July 31, 2023

Why Writers Should LOVE the Back-to-School Season

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson 

I have a confession to make. Growing up, back-to-school was one of my favorite times of the year. It wasn’t that I loved school so much (but I didn’t hate it, but I had the normal school year angst that most kids struggle with). But the promise of new school supplies outweighed any negativity for me. Even now, I just love buying school supplies. 

There’s just something about new pencils, pens, erasers, paper, and notebooks that make heart happy. And don’t get me started about all the amazing notebooks, pouches and organizational stuff every writer (student) needs!

This obsession might have gotten me banned from going back-to-school shopping for my kids without my husband—or another responsible adult—with me. 

8 Things This Writer Loves About Back-to-School Shopping
  • The sales on writer . . . uh . . . school supplies. There’s just something about new pencils, pens, erasers, paper, and notebooks that make heart happy. And don’t get me started about all the amazing notebooks, pouches and organizational stuff every writer needs.
  • The fact that I can go into a store and stock up on these supplies without looking like I have a problem. (Hi, my name is Edie and I love to buy office supplies in bulk.)
  • Watching others who love writing supplies as much as me. I enjoy visiting the back-to-school aisles at stores and people watch. Most kids are less than thrilled with the process, but every time I go, I see future writers who just love to get new supplies. 
  • Getting ideas for new things to organize my writing life. Office supply manufacturers are always coming up with new ideas. I love browsing the aisles stocked with ideas for organizing lockers, as well as ways to keep track of ideas and schedules. My latest obsession, though? Transparent sticky notes
  • A perfect excuse to buy a new bag. My backpack/computer bag obsession might be even bigger than my school supply one. 
  • New crayons. Enough said.
  • It’s a mini-restart in the middle of my writing year. I’m not a fan of summer. The heat and lack of a regular schedule suck the writing inspiration right out of my soul. Even though the back-to-school season seems to come earlier and earlier every year, it’s still the promise of a return to cooler weather, disciplined routine, and fresh inspiration. 
  • The new color schemes and patterns. I do love basic school supplies. A number 2 pencil and yellow legal pad are the stuff of my teenage writing years. But I’m also a sucker for new colors in binder clips, notebooks, and magnets.
  • Tax-free weekends. In our part of the united states, our state and several others close by have a tax-free weekend to help with the expense of back to school. This means everything from computers to crayons can be purchased without paying sales tax.
These are some of the things that bring me joy during the back-to-school season. What are some of your favorite things about this time of year? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below. 

Don’t forget to join the conversation!
Blessings, Edie


Why Writers Should LOVE the Back-to-School Season from @EdieMelson (Click to Tweet)

Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through her camera lens. She’s a writer who feels lost without that device & an unexpected speaker who loves to encourage an audience. She also embraces the ultimate contradiction of being an organized creative. She knows the necessity of Soul Care and leads retreats, conferences & workshops around the world on staying connected to God. Her numerous books, including the award-winning Soul Cares eries & reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts. Her blog, The Write Conversation is recognized as one of the top 101 industry resources. 

She and husband Kirk have been married 40+ years and raised three sons. They live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and can often be found hiking—with Edie clinging to the edge of a precipice for the perfect camera angle and Kirk patiently carrying her camera bag and tripod. Connect with her on her website, WWW.EDIEMELSON.COM and through social media.

Featured Image: Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash


  1. I found those transparent sticky notes last year and LOVE them! I especially like the size that fits over 1 calendar square. And they are great for actors to add blocking to a script without having to write in those tiny margins.

    1. Aren't they fun!!! I also love to give them as gifts! Blessings, E

  2. I can totally relate to this! Back-to-school supplies always got me excited! I was in Office Max last week and my childhood flashed before my eyes!

    1. I was in Wal Mart when the memories came rushing back! Blessings, E

  3. School supplies and a quieter home (for writing time!) with the kids off to school or doing homework at night!

    1. Absolutely! Great reasons to love this time of year! Blessings, E

  4. There are transparent sticky notes??? Why have I not seen these before???!! I need some ASAP! (from a fellow school/office/writer supply obsesser)

    1. YES! That was how I felt when I first saw them! Blessings, E

  5. Highlighters! I need new highlighters! And transparent sticky notes? Will be on a quest to find them.

    1. Oh YES!!! How did I forget the highlighters 😜 Blessings, E

  6. Penelope CarlevatoJuly 31, 2023 at 10:56 AM

    I never knew anyone else loved this time just as I do!!!~

    1. I think it's our secret thing. EVERY single writer I've ever talked to has admitted to this! Blessings, E

  7. Fellow obsessive person here! I normally don't like to shop, but I love office supply stores.

  8. If I have spare time, office supply stores are my favorite.

  9. My absolute favorite store is Staples! 'Nuff said! :)

  10. Good things to point out. I thought was the only one who did this! Haven't done it lately, though. I l must get busy and replenish my supply.

  11. The transparent sticky notes have SO many uses! Great for our pilot daughter to use on her aviation manuals, and perfect for college students to use in rented text books. Whoever invented them needs a prize!!!
