Friday, June 9, 2023

Sometimes Writers Need Soul Care When Things Go RIGHT

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

Yep, you read that title correctly. 

Soul care isn’t just for times when life is difficult. 

I’m recently back from one of the highlights of my writing year—The Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. For me, this is a spiritual high. It’s a time when:
  • I’ve heard from God 
  • Gotten to witness what He’s doing in my life and in the lives of other writers 
  • And a time when I’ve been able to fellowship with other believers who are also writers. 

I come back from this even like I do every year—overwhelmed, blessed, and absolutely exhausted.

As I said above, Soul Care isn’t just for times when life is difficult. 

I’ve learned that exhaustion is exhaustion and even when it comes from a good source, it still means I have to take care of myself. 

10 Things I Do to Care for My Writing Soul

1. I spend time in prayer and fellowship with God. Only God can renew my spiritual energy and only He can give me the right perspective on where to go from here. 

2. I take some time doing other things I love to do. For me, that often involves my camera. The day after BRMCWC this year, I spent the day with my husband and best friend, DiAnn Mills and her husband Dean. We took a field trip to the Carl Sandburg home. My husband Kirk had several jokes about where writers go to rest, but we ignored him and had a marvelous time! And I took my camera and captures some fun images—inside the house of his workspace, typewriters and books—as well as pics of his garden and ground. It was a day that ministered to my creative heart.

3. I get extra rest. I’m not someone who likes to nap. I take pride in being an early-to-rise-and-early-to-bed sort of girl. But after this event, I’m tired and I need to set aside my pride and build in some extra sleep time to allow my body—and my mind—to recover.

4. I don’t give in to the guilt. Coming home from a trip means coming back to a mountain of a to-do list. But to do those things well will take some time. I didn’t get behind in a single day and I won’t get caught up in a single day. 

5. I spend time with friends, especially friends who understand my writing gift. It helps me process when I share the highs and the challenges with someone I trust. 

6. I wait to make important decisions. When I’m exhausted, I’ve found that I don’t think clearly. I need time to recuperate before I sign any contracts or make any life-altering career choices. 

7. I acknowledge that after a high comes a low. It’s a natural progression. It’s not always fun, but when I know to expect a low, it’s much easier to deal with and it doesn’t derail my writing journey. Instead I accept it’s part of the process and I know “this too shall pass.”

8. I go outside and stay active. No this isn’t a contradiction to #3. My body needs healthy activity as much as it needs rest. Plus spending time in the sunlight has physical as well as mental benefits. I’m not running a marathon (I’m actually not running at all) but short walks help me reorient myself to normal life. 

9. I watch what I eat. I’ve learned that when I’m exhausted, I tend to gravitate toward comfort foods. Too much of these foods, which for me are high in empty calories and starches, make me lethargic, depressed and fat. I indulge carefully and with an eye toward renewing my energy, not prolonging my exhaustion.

10. I read and write in my journal. One of things I urge writers to do during a conference is to write down the good stuff that happens. The reason is that when we get home and the lows come, we often don’t believe or second-guess the good things people have said and the God moments we’ve had. When the doubts creep in, I go back and read what I recorded and it gives me hope. 

NOTE: So what if you didn’t record the good stuff that happened? It’s not too late. Take it to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to bring to your mind the ways He’s worked and the things others have said about your writing. Here are FOUR verses to remind you of the truth that God will answer you:
  • Proverbs 8:17
  • Deuteronomy 4:29
  • Luke 11:9 – 10 
  • Jeremiah 29:13 

As long as we live on this earth, writers will need soul care. We must plug into the unending source of creativity if we want to continue and not burn out. 

Now it’s your turn, how do you find Soul Care after a good thing has left you exhausted? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

Don’t forget to join the conversation!


If you’re interested in my Soul Care for Writers, check out my book from Bold Vision Books, Inc. It’s available on 

Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through her camera lens. She’s a writer who feels lost without that device & an unexpected speaker who loves to encourage an audience. She also embraces the ultimate contradiction of being an organized creative. She knows the necessity of Soul Care and leads retreats, conferences & workshops around the world on staying connected to God. Her numerous books, including the award-winning Soul Cares eries & reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts. Her blog, The Write Conversation is recognized as one of the top 101 industry resources. 

She and husband Kirk have been married 40+ years and raised three sons. They live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and can often be found hiking—with Edie clinging to the edge of a precipice for the perfect camera angle and Kirk patiently carrying her camera bag and tripod. Connect with her on her website, and through social media.


  1. Such a good post, Edie. A wise post. Trusted friends are so valuable at times like these -- especially other writer friends.

  2. Such wisdom in these words. Body and mind need time to regroup after a mountaintop experience. Enjoy your R&R.

    1. Kay, thank you! I am enjoying my time of recovery!

  3. Sometimes we have those seasons where everything appears to be at a standstill. That’s an incredibly hard place to be. And that’s when we need to practice this kind of Soul Care. All these tips work no matter which season we find ourselves in.

  4. I came back exhausted too, but also so blessed. Resting and doing something else creative does help revive the soul. Thanks for everything, Edie. You and the Blue Ridge staff did a great job.
