Friday, April 21, 2023

How to Become a Professional Writer

by Crystal Bowman

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as "the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person"; and it defines a profession as "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation." Another (simpler) definition I found is: “relating to or belonging to a profession; engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as an amateur.” 

If you want to become a professional writer, the following steps may guide you to your destination:

#1. Prepare.
  • Read books about writing and publishing.
  • Attend writers’ conferences.
  • Take courses on writing for publication and zero in on your desired genre. 
  • Learn everything you can about the writing and publishing process.

#2. Write something.
  • Write a story, article, poem, blog, or devotion to share with an audience other than your best friend, family members, and dog (Christmas letters don’t count).
  • Revise. Revise. Revise.
  • Meet with a reputable critique group.
  • Have your work edited by a professional editor or writing coach.

#3. Have your work published in one of the following:
  • Magazine (print or online)
  • Compilation book
  • Devotional book
  • Newspaper/newsletter/journal
  • Book (indie published/co-published/traditionally published)
  • Screen or stage play
  • Song lyrics

#4. Grow your platform.
  • Obtain ongoing opportunities for publication.
  • Have a professional website. 
  • Establish social media platforms and email subscribers.
  • Seek speaking opportunities.
  • Network with other writers and people in the publishing industry. 

And now for the BIG question: Can professional writers make a living by writing?
  • If you are a minimalist living in a puptent on someone’s property, and if you grow your own vegetables and raise chickens, it is possible.
  • If you write a bestselling series like Harry Potter and the books turn into movies and the brand produces merchandise that is sold all over the world, you can live off your royalties. 
  • If you want to own a home in a nice community and have money for living expenses and a few extra luxuries like a car, cell phone, and television, you may need another source of income.
  • Reality check—there are approximately 50,000 professional writers in the US. About 500 writers consider it their full-time job. 

My definition of a professional writer:
  • Someone who believes God has called them to write and obeys that calling. 
  • Someone who is willing to learn everything they can about the world of writing and publishing.
  • Someone who is patient, persistent, and tenacious as they wait for the right opportunity. 
  • Someone who bravely walks through the doors God opens for them. 
  • Someone who prays and asks God to bless and use the words they write.
  • Someone who writes words that encourage, comfort, motivate, inspire, and touch the hearts of those who read them. 
  • Someone who realizes that God’s plan and purpose for their writing life will prevail. 

One last thought:

To borrow a quote from Tom Hanks in the movie A League of Their Own (and changing the first few words): Being a professional writer is hard, but the hard part is what makes it good. If it were easy, everyone would do it. 


Crystal Bowman is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 100 books for children and four nonfiction books for women. She also writes lyrics for children’s piano music and is a monthly contributor to Clubhouse Jr. Magazine. She loves going to schools to teach kids about poetry. She also speaks at MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) groups and teaches workshops at writers’ conferences. When she is not writing or speaking, she enjoys going for walks, working out at the gym, and eating ice cream. She and her husband live in Michigan and have seven huggable grandkids. 


  1. Excellent post, Crystal! I love this quote: "Being a professional writer is hard, but the hard part is what makes it good." Anybody with a keyboard can write a book, but few will put in the time and effort to write it well.

  2. Such a good post! Thank you, Crystal. I am always blessed by what you write.

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    God! Bless! You!
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  4. Thank you Crystal. I’m in pursuit to become a professional writer. This posts validated my standing.
