Sunday, November 6, 2022

Spiritual Preparation for a Live Seminar

Edie here. Today Yvonne is sharing her spiritual preparation for her upcoming live seminar. Everyone is invited to register for her wonderful event, but the information is applicable to all of us getting ready for a live event!

Spiritual Preparation for a Live Seminar
by Yvonne Ortega @YvonneOrtega1

Spiritual Preparation for the Live Seminar in Virginia 

My body, mind, and spirit overflowed with excitement for my first live speaking event on October 8, 2022, after staying home for two and a half years. Tropical storm Ian left many on the coast where I live in flooded areas and without power. I thought about the details for the seminar Self-Care When There’s No One to Care but spent more time on spiritual preparation than anything else.

Spiritual preparation at home

1. Expect a spiritual attack.

You may have experienced extreme heat that wilted you faster than a rose without water. After tropical storm Ian, the lightbulb in my electronic air cleaner blew out. I didn’t have heat for three nights—the coldest in months. I thanked God for fleece blankets and warm clothes.

What spiritual attack have you experienced before a speaking engagement?

2. Examine your heart.

Each morning and evening, I prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, God. And renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10 NASB). Some days, I prayed that more than twice because I didn’t want negative thoughts to stand in the way.

What Bible verse do you use to examine your heart?

3. Take the test of integrity.

I asked myself three times a day, “Does what happens at home behind closed doors match what I want my audience to see?” If it did, great. If it didn’t, I would use a different Bible verse, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer” (Psalm 34:14 ESV).

What Scripture will you use as a test of integrity?

4. Pray for those who registered and those who were indecisive.

I prayed that those who were supposed to attend would do so and be receptive to God’s biggest takeaway for them. I prayed my cellphone camera would take wonderful pictures and someone at the venue could take group pictures.

How do you pray before an event?

Spiritual preparation on the way to the speaking engagement

1. Plan to arrive 40 minutes early for your speaking engagement.

On an early Saturday morning 10 minutes from the venue, I passed only one truck and three cars. Maybe with the flooding, some drivers couldn’t get out. I prayed for traveling mercies and traveling grace for the women who would attend the seminar.

How early do you arrive before a speaking event when it’s online or in person?

2. On the way, sing praise and worship music.

I focused on the One worthy of my praise.

If you don’t sing, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord” (Psalm 100:1 KJV). 

Spiritual preparation before the event starts

1. Pray for the women who will sit on each chair.

Also pray over the doors and windows and ask God to protect you and your audience from distraction.

2. Greet every person with a smile.

Ask the Holy Spirit in you to communicate your eagerness to be with each one.

Spiritual preparation afterward

1. Make sure each attendee leaves with a memento.

I collected their evaluations and gave the women a 3x5 card in which they were to thank someone present for something kind they said or did. While they filled in their cards, my eyes glistened with tears because of their glowing evaluations. They wrote their cards to me and blessed me once more. One woman sent a text to her husband for watching the children while she attended the seminar.

What memento will you give the attendees?

2. Show an attitude of gratitude.

I thanked the representative from the venue for allowing us to use the beautiful facility. I also thanked the woman who asked for the live event and those who attended. It is a privilege to speak and offer hope.

The next time you speak, what will you do to demonstrate an attitude of gratitude?

I thank God who heard my prayers and those of countless others for the live event on Self-Care When There’s No One to Care. I look forward to an online group on this same topic with a start date of Tuesday, November 15, 2022, from 7:30 pm-9:00 pm Eastern. For further information, please click on this link


Yvonne Ortega walks with a small footprint, leaving a giant imprint in the lives of those she meets. Within this power-packed package is a professional speaker who offers encouragement, support, and accountability. Her calling to help women who face challenges move forward and live the abundant life through Christ has endeared her to thousands. As a gifted instructor, she helps those who speak and write make connections and find community. In addition to being a multi-published author, known for her Moving from Broken to Beautiful Series, she has degrees in Spanish and English and a master’s degree in education in counseling from the College of William & Mary.

You can find Yvonne at 

Featured Image: Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash


  1. I'm so happy to see you up and running again!! Prayer is the most powerful thing we can do. We get our words out into the airwaves, but it is God that transforms hearts. Aligning ourselves with the work He is already doing will keep us from standing in His way! Thanks for the encouragement to involve Him at every step of the process.

  2. Thank you for stopping by, Julie Coleman. I appreciate your words of encouragement and support. Yes, I'm up and running again in my lane as the Lord leads. Prayer is our powerhouse.
    Love & Prayers,
    Yvonne Ortega
