Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Writer’s Prayer Guide


by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28

“Father, please help me as I write today.”


“Father, I’m stuck. Where do I go from here?”


“Father, thank You for that line. That’s exactly what I needed to say.”


Before I write any blog post or article, when I get stuck, when I need inspiration, and when I have a breakthrough—I pray. How often do you pray when you write?


When we pray through every stage of writing, we tap into God’s wisdom and power. He supplies the insights and words we need as we seek His help. Have you ever seen God give you the perfect line to start a paragraph? How about just the right illustration for a chapter? An attitude of prayer keeps us connected to the One who can make the greatest impact on our readers. He knows what they need to read. He knows how to phrase what we need to write. 


Use the following prayer guide as a way to stay connected to God, His help, and His wisdom as you write. I’m praying these things for my writing ministry, and I’ve prayed several of these points for the ministries of my writer friends. 


Before You Write

  • Ask God to prepare your heart so you can hear His leading as you write.
  • Ask Him to clear away all distractions.
  • Ask Him to bind the spiritual enemies of doubt, fear, anxiety, and the devil as you write.

As You Write

  • Ask God to help you develop your main idea. 
  • If you’re writing about Scripture, pray over the Bible passage that you’re using, turning the application you see into praise to God or a petition for yourself and others.
  • Ask God to show you the best wording, especially when you get stuck in the writing process. 
  • Thank God for the principle He showed you from Scripture and from the life stories you’re sharing with readers. 
  • Pray that God speaks to the reader through your writing—that they appreciate Him more, understand truth better, and know how to live out what Scripture is teaching. 

For Your Audience

  • Ask God to prepare the hearts and minds of those who need the message He has given you. 
  • Pray for your readers to depend on God when they face the struggle you’re writing about, and to look to His Word for promises to hold onto and for strength to persevere.
  • Ask God to highlight for your audience whatever takeaway they need on the day they read your writing. 
  • Pray that your readers will be able to relate to the stories you share and see how God helped you through a struggle. 
  • Ask God that your writing would reach just the right people at just the right time in their lives. 

After You Hit Send on a Submission

  • First, breathe. Next, thank God that this submission has been sent!
  • Pray that God gives guidance to the publisher and grace to you as you wait to hear a reply.  
  • Ask God for the wisdom and direction to work on the next piece of writing while you wait.
  • Also ask God to help you trust Him whatever the outcome is, because He knows how to best publish your work. 

Once Your Writing Is Published

  • Thank God for this opportunity, and pray that your writing will find its way to those who need to read it.
  • Ask God for ideas and open doors to promote the material, because after all, you’re promoting the message He has supplied. 
  • Pray that your writing acts like a piece of a puzzle, filling in a gap of comfort, truth, encouragement, grace, or strength that your readers needed. 
  • Pray that your writing will join forces with the writing of other Christian writers from around the world, to be a beacon of hope, a lighthouse of truth, a demonstration of God’s love, and an encouragement to all who read it.

When you write, what do you like to pray? Share your ideas in the comments below, so we can seek God together as we write!


The Writer’s Prayer Guide - @KatyKauffman28 on @EdieMelson (Click to Tweet)

Katy Kauffman finds herself writing about life’s spiritual battles more than anything else. As an award-winning author, an editor of Refresh Bible Study Magazine, and a co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies, she has the privilege of working with writers and the Lighthouse team to create Bible study compilations and magazine issues. She recently started a monthly newsletter for writers called The Lighthouse Connection, and she contributes to three blogs on writing. Connect with Katy at her blog, Winning the Victory, and on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. Katy,

    Thank you for this article about prayer and our lives as writers. As Christians, prayer should permeate every aspect of our lives and writing--but often doesn't. May we learn to practice what Paul says to pray without ceasing.

    author of 10 Publishing Myths, Insights Every Author Needs to Succeed

    1. Yes! Praying without ceasing can happen in "normal" life and the writing life. It's essential to progress and effectiveness. Thank you for your comment, Terry!

  2. Thank you, Katy! Many of these are things we can also pray for out conference attendees this weekend.

    1. May God bless every session and every conversation. I pray it's going well! Thank you, Tracy!

  3. Every day Ms. Katy. Sometimes it seems with every word. Well said author! Thank you for the inspiration this morning.

    1. Thank you, J.D. Every word indeed. I pray before I write anything and often when I edit too. :)

  4. I have found that praying over my writing brings amazing results. God brings just the right thought, word, or illustration when I need it. Thanks for this post.

    1. Yes, He does! Thank you for sharing that, Roberta.

  5. This is a wonderful guide! Sometimes I just don’t know what to pray about my writing. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Candi! I am so glad you found it helpful.

  6. Thank you, Katy. Prayer is our most valuable tool toward successful writing. The God of all wisdom is there to help when we call on Him.

    1. Amen, Loretta! Thank you for saying that. I am grateful we can go to Him at all hours, whether we are night owls and writing or morning birds getting a head start.

  7. Katy, I pray often before and during my writing, but I’ll print this post for your wonderful points to pray.

    1. Thank you, Jeannie! I appreciate that. God bless your wonderful writing!

  8. Loved this good advice, Katy. Thank you for sharing your article this morning. I will certainly put it to good use. Bless you!

    1. Thank you, Diane! I am so glad you found it helpful. Happy writing.

  9. This message is beautiful. Thank you for reminding us to give God the glory. I have a note taped to my computer that states "PRAY FIRST". I pray before writing and ask God to give me the Words that He wants to share. :-)

    1. Amen! And that's a great sign to have at your workspace. Thank you for your comments, Melissa!

  10. Sound advice for writing - the audience and the writer. Thank you.

  11. A great article - a great reminder - and as Terry Whalin said in the comments - Prayer should permeate every part of our lives as Christians as well as writers. It has always been my practice as I work on a novel - whether it be writing/editing/revising - to pray that God will give me wisdom and discernment in the work and do it as pleasing to Him... I also ask that He get the book into the hands of those readers He most wants to read it.
    After all, I'm writing in obedience to His call on my life.

    1. Amen! Thank you for sharing that. I pray that too, that God would help the people who need to read something to find it. He knows what we need to say and who it's for. I am grateful that often it's for me and the reader. Working with God is a blessing, and I can see Him leading me to subjects I need too. So prayer can personalize the message as well. Happy writing!

  12. I love this guide. It helps with parts of our writing life we may forget to pray about but definitely need to. Thank you Katy!

  13. Appreciate this article, Katy. As Christ followers, prayer needs to be part of everything we do. Thank you!

  14. What wonderful prayers for every stage of the writing journey!. Thank you, Katy
