Saturday, September 28, 2019

Showing up as a Writer

by Cathy Fyock @CathyFyock

80% of success in life is showing up. –Woody Allen

I love this Woody Allen quote, and I’ve been thinking about how we as authors “show up.” 

I believe that these statements are those that are made by authors who are not only showing up, but making real progress with their work. How many of these are messages with which you identify?

I block time on my calendar to write, and I honor that time commitment.

When I can’t honor a calendar appointment to write, I reschedule that appointment.

I have a word count goal or writing time goal each day or week.

I keep my topic “top of mind” so that I’m always collecting stories, examples, and ideas for my book.

I wear my “Ask me about my book” button and regularly engage in conversations with others about my book’s topic.

I have “author of the forthcoming book” on my email signature.

I conduct regular research on my topic; I have Google alerts set for my topics.

I carry my books with me so that I can offer then for sale when someone asks. I always have one in my tote bag or briefcase, and I carry a box in my car!

I have my book’s positioning statement—my 30 second commercial for my book—ready to go and can share it with others without hesitation.

I’m always looking for news hooks that themes that relate to my book’s topic so that I can write relevant blogs or pitch my story to the news media.

I regularly write blog content on my topic.

I am obsessed with my topic!

So, are you “showing up” as an author? How can you up your game and show up as the authority that you are?


Cathy Fyock is The Business Book Strategist, and works with professionals and thought leaders who want to write as a business development strategy. She is the author of nine books, including her most recent with coauthor Lois Creamer, The Speaker Author: Sell More Books and Book More Speeches. Since starting her business in 2014 she's helped more than 150 professionals become published authors. You can reach her at


  1. Cathy,

    Thank you for this encouraging post and speaking the truth to writers. I know in my own writing life, my consistency is one of the most important elements and a real discipline of the writing life. People wonder how I've written and published so much in magazines and books. It is not because I'm one of the best writers in the room but I am one of persistent in knocking on new doors and carrying through with what the editors ask me to do. Yes, showing up and taking action is a huge part of it.

    Straight Talk From the Editor

  2. Great tips Ms. Cathy. Both for the writer and the marketer (every writer's other "hat"). The important take-away/reminder for me is that marketing is not a one-time event. It's an ongoing effort throughout the life of your book. Enjoyed ma'am.

    1. Yes! Your book isn't like a piece of fruit that goes bad on the shelf. It remains evergreen as long as you continue to keep it so! Thanks for weighing in!

  3. Showing up for me means doing the work and not been afraid to submit material.
    Great article, Cathy.

    1. Thanks Ingmar! Yes, doing the work, day after day is what gets it done!
