Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday Review—Comprehensive List of Resources for Writers

by Lynn H. Blackburn

I’ve had the privilege of guest posting here for 3 ½ years. I’ve written about everything from NaNoWriMo to how to keep your word count up during the holidays. But most of the time, I review books about writing. Short books and long books. Easy reads and deep dives into craft. Books that cover specific topics in depth and books that touch on almost everything a writer might encounter in their career.

Sometimes we need something to remind of us why we write. Sometimes we need something to help us through a sagging middle or a pesky re-write. Sometimes we just need something that makes us laugh. And sometimes, we know we’ve read a review, but we can’t remember where or when. So to make things a touch easier, I’ve compiled a handy reference. This is by no means a comprehensive list of books on writing, but it is a list of my reviews here at The Write Conversation.

*Bonus tip—Books marked with an asterisk are quick reads or are broken up into short chapters so you can read them even if you think you don’t have time to read.


Revision and Self-Editing by James ScottBell (this review was written by my dear friend Mary Denman)

Inspiration, Encouragement, or maybe a swift kick to the seat of the pants

Writing Related

I hope you find this list helpful and I’d love to hear about your favorite books on the craft so don’t forget to join the conversation!


Lynn Huggins Blackburn has been telling herself stories since she was five and finally started writing them down. She blogs about faith, family, and her writing journey on her blog Out of the Boat. Lynn is a member of the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild and the Word Weavers, Greenville. She lives in South Carolina where she hangs out with three lively children, one fabulous man, and a cast of imaginary characters who find their way onto the pages of her still unpublished novels. She drinks a lot of coffee.


  1. Hi Lynn,
    Thanks for the exhaustive list, lots to go through.
    Our online novel writing course ( may not be as well known, but I think it is different because we also provide motivation in addition to it being organised and easy to use.

    If you'd like to try it out I'd be happy to provide a free subsctiption.

    1. Brendan, Lynn is away from her computer this week. But I will give her the info. It would be great to get to review your course here on The Write Conversation! Thanks so much for stopping by, Blessings, E

  2. Good list. I found "Imagination @ Work" by Alton Gansky very encouraging.

    1. Jennifer, that's one on the list to be reviewed. I LOVED that book! Blessings, E

    2. I'll add KM Weiland's "Structuring Your Novel" to that list. The young lady is a fantastic instructor when it comes to story structure. She doesn't write for the Christian market, but she is a Christian and her fantasy novels are family friendly.

    3. Ron, It sounds like a great book. I follow her blog and love it! Would you like to write a guest review for me here? No pressure! Blessings, E

    4. Of course, Edie. Let me know when.

  3. Thanks for the helpful list!
    I'm currently in the middle of reading two books by Eve Heidi Bine-Stock: "How to Write a Children's Picture Book, Vol. II" and "Learning Advanced Figures of Speech from Masterworks of Children's Picture Storybooks." Love them!
    Also, Nancy I. Sanders has a great book, "Yes! You Can Learn How to Write Children's Books, Get Them Published, and Build a Successful Writing Career."

  4. *Anything by Sol Stein. Start with "Stein on Writing."
