Saturday, August 10, 2013

Writing Prompt Image—Living in the Moment

How do you combat the busy-ness of life and live the moments more fully?

"If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live
more richly those moments." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Share your answers in the comment section below. 

I also invite you to use this image any way you like online. Post it to your blog, share it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, anywhere you'd like. All I ask is that you keep it intact, with my website watermark visible.

Don't forget to join the conversation!


  1. This is a beautiful photo, Edie, and I love the quote. Thank you for openly sharing it. I posted it on my Facebook page.


  2. I live that question daily. I have a recorder on my phone. Sometimes when I'm driving and I have an idea, but cannot write it down at that moment. I use the recorder to hold that thought.

    But finding time to write, to research for rich content, and edit is very difficult.

  3. That is gorgeous! Wow!

    I have had to make it a point to stop and focus on the moment rather than letting it slip by in the name of urgency. I've learned how to set my projects aside and take the time to listen to my children, play a game, or have coffee with a friend. The work will always be there. My kids will grow up and leave home, games are so much fun and relaxing, and my relationships are most important. Life is definitely worth living, and I've learned that although work is great, that living is found in the relationships I've made along the way.

  4. What a beautiful image and quote! All too often I focus on the future or the past and miss the moments. It has helped me to write a weekly post as I count my every day blessings. I am on the lookout day to day. But I want to embrace this more fully. I just purchased Jeff Goins new book about the in-between as he focuses on the times right now.

    Blessings and love,

  5. I completely agree, Edie. Being out in nature, either the mountains, the beach, or somewhere else helps me to do this because it's just God and me. It's a great focus.

  6. I'm along the same path as Alycia.
    I pray daily that I am sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prodding. There's family, friends, church, writing, and homeschooling so I need His help to know when to put down one thing and focus on another.
    Life is a wonderful gift. I don't want to miss the most precious moments of it.
