Friday, July 27, 2012

Life Lessons—The Write Stuff

No, it's not deja vu. This post did show up yesterday. My dad had a heart attack the middle of the night, Wednesday night. In my scramble to get everything posted, I inadvertently scheduled two posts the same day. So this one is appearing again today...on the correct day. Sorry for the confusion. And yes, Dad is doing well, still in the hospital, but on the mend.

A guest post by Reba J. Hoffman

In life, sometimes it seems the bad outweighs the good
I know. You’ve gone through enough of life to last you through eternity. Sometimes it seems like you’re cursed because the bad seems to far outweigh the good. The photo album in your heart is filled with hardship, frustration, discouragement and yes, even tragedy.

What you may not realize is that those experiences fill you with what it takes to write a winning novel. It’s true. I wrote in one of my books that true wisdom is forged on the anvil of suffering. All that stuff you’ve endured throughout your life has gained you precious golden nuggets of truth and wisdom that will provide depth and substance to your characters. For those who write non-fiction, that same wealth will help you sow into others’ lives for years to come.

This depth of wisdom woven into the tapestry of your book will change the life of the reader. It will also change your life for having poured out all that you are into the page. You are the only one who has gone through what you have from your vantage point: inside your own emotions. Only you can bring that out in characters, scenes and chapters.

Books are often born out of the author's own trials
I challenge you to read any book filled with depth and richness and I guarantee you the author has suffered in life. So, if you’ve gone through the worst sort of trials and tribulations, consider yourself blessed. You’ve been investing life and multiplying your wealth of wisdom and worth.

Life has some pretty rugged terrain
If you’re facing a challenge today, or maybe even what seems like an impossible cliff to pull yourself up and over, ask yourself what you can gain from it. Even the worst of circumstances has goodie in it. Grab it with a grip that cannot be broken. Guard it with your life and with your emotions. Store it in the vaults of your heart and soul. You’ll have it when the moment calls for it.

Life has pretty rugged terrain with its ups and downs but the wisdom you gain becomes trekking poles, pulling you up the slopes and keeping your balance on the narrow trails. And the journey you write about will pull others to the summit of their own Everest. Embrace that truth and you’ll go far in your quest of being a writer. You have what it takes to be successful. You have the Write Stuff!

Reba J. Hoffman

Reba J. Hoffman is the founder and president of Magellan Life Coaching (  She holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Counseling and is a natural encourager. She serves as Member Care Coach for My Book Therapy and is the author of Dare to Dream, A Writer’s Journal. You can connect with Reba through her motivational blog, Finding True North, or by email at You can also follow her on Twitter at @RebaJHoffman.


  1. Reba, I teach this very thing in both writing and speaking classes. God doesn't waste any scars. He'll use them for His glory--if we let Him!

  2. Wonderfully written post! I love the way you have phrased your thoughts. I have written about many of my personal hardships in my blog, "Joyful Journey," to show that no matter what is going on God allows joy to be a part of the experience. Thanks for your wise words today.

  3. Edie, I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. Prayers!
