Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Clash of the titles Conquerors!

Delia Latham Talks About Her Journey to Publication
by Jennifer Slattery
Writers across the country are preparing for winter writers’ conferences. Many are tucking their hopes and fears in their briefcases along with that manuscript synopsis that’s been rejected, revised, then rejected again so many times the mailman’s offering Kleenex and candy. And what is it writers a quarter way up on the seemingly endless journey to publication need more than anything? Encouragement from someone who’s been there—from someone who understands the sting of rejection, and can help us see the glimmers of sun from the other side.

Today, multi-published author and Clash of the Titles’ conqueror, Delia Latham, author of Destiny’s Dream, talks about the mountains, valleys and meadows inherent with writing and offers a few priceless nuggets to help other authors keep on keeping on.

Don’t expect instant success

“My first book was also my third book,” Delia says, “Although it began its existence under a different publisher and a different title, Yesterday’s Promisewas, nonetheless, my first published book. It was the product of a Nanowrimo marathon, so the actual coming together of the story only took 30 days—the duration of the annual event. Then, of course, came all the time-consuming rewrites and tedious editing and searching for a publisher.”

Numerous authors have benefited from the accountability, community, and encouragement offered through Nano. We were never meant to go it alone and writers who attempt to write in isolation will likely crash and burn, their God-given potential sapped by negativity, discouragement and fear. With the internet and online groups such as the American Christian Fiction Writers, The Christian Writers Guild and countless local and state organizations, it’s easier than ever to find a community of like-minded believers to lean on (and carry) in your journey to publication.

Accept Constructive Criticism

Critique groups, like the rapidly growing Scribes group offered through ACFW, are like soothing balms and top-notch writing 101-401 classes rolled into one.

Although Delia began her journey with the ACFW critique group, she has since found a handful of dear friends to swap manuscripts with.

“I have a couple of treasured critique partners, and I wouldn’t even consider submitting anything without their input,” Delia says.

Never Let Writing Crowd Out Your Time With God

Delia’s greatest encouragement comes from God, her Divine Author and the giver of life and strength.

“When I’m discouraged or uninspired, I turn to Him to provide ideas, inspiration, and anointing for the thing He called me to do—write. I cannot write without Him.
Prayer is always the key to getting back on track.”

Her writing has become a two-way conversation, if you will, of her pouring her heart out to God and God penning His story through her, using the words typed on the page to touch her own heart as she writes.

Stay Teachable

“God used Destiny’s Dream to teach me so many things, not the least of which is that His promises are literal. If He says He’ll give his angels charge over us, guess what He means? Yep, you got it. He means He’ll give His angels charge over us. God says what He means and means what He says.”

Visit to find out more about Delia and her COTT winning novel, Destiny’s Dream.

Visit Novel Journey to learn the value of critique partners, then read Michael Ehret’s article on encouragement. We’re a body. Let’s hold each other up!

Jennifer Slattery is the marketing representative for Clash of the Titles, writes for Christ to the World and Reflections in Hindsight. Find out more about her and her writing at And stop by Clash of the Titles to join the fun! 

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Jennifer! Oh, that I were as wise as you make me sound... LOL If nothing else, you inspire me to try to be! :) Edie, thanks again for lending space on your blog. You calls a COTT are such an encouragement!
