Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Increase Your Article Writing Output with These Ideas

by Linda Gilden @LindaGilden

Writers just beginning to write articles look around them and the big question becomes, “I know some of the basics of writing articles but how do I find places to submit my work?”

Article writing can come in many forms these days. Just look around you. Everything that has words on it has been written by someone—magazines and blogs, of course, but also placemats in restaurants, stories on sides of products such as kid’s meal boxes, flyers, newsletters, and more. So be creative and think outside the box.

Articles require research and it is sad not to be able to use and reuse your research for other things. Don’t spend time in extensive research without looking for ways you can use your material for other articles or projects.

For example, you may have just submitted an article on cats and what great pets they are for a general interest magazine. Why not create a fun quiz for kids about the quirky habits of cats? Or make a list of fun facts about cats? Those are things you could submit to another magazine or pitch to cat product manufacturers as something fun they could put on the side of their products. You could also write a children’s story that incorporates some of the things you learned. 

Perhaps you have done an article for a local magazine and learned a lot about your area. Create a placemat with games and fun facts that you could pitch to local restaurants. Better yet, offer to customize the placemats by including a few fun facts about that specific restaurant. Some restaurants have the history of their businesses on the placemat. Here again, writer opportunity!

When you see a possible market, be bold and don’t hesitate to approach a business or editor with an idea as to how you can help. Introduce yourself as a writer and tell him or her that you noticed they used written materials. Offer to send samples or a list of ideas. Then make sure you follow up.

Bottom line, be attentive as you go through your day and make note of written items you see. There may just be a writing opportunity right in front of your eyes.


Linda Gilden is an award-winning writer, speaker, editor, certified writing and speaking coach, and personality consultant. Her passion is helping others discover the joy of writing. Linda recently released Articles, Articles, Articles!and is the author of over a thousand magazine articles and 17 books including the new LINKED Quick Guides for Personalities. As Director of the Carolina Christian Writers Conference, Linda helps many writers take the next step in reaching their writing goals. Linda’s favorite activity (other than eating folded potato chips) is floating in a pool with a good book surrounded by splashing grandchildren—a great source of writing material!

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