by Cindy K. Sproles @CindyDevoted
You have chosen to write for God. Daily, you read this blog by Edie Melson and find guidance, teaching, and encouragement. Competition in the writing industry is stiff. It's tough in the Christian market, but if you think it's hard there, hold on should you aim toward the general market.
We need to move our sights toward the general market. Write clean, write truth, and raise the standard bar, but it won't be easy. The world lurks behind the shelves, placing temptation and obstacles in your way.
Yearly, I write what I lovingly call marching orders. I give them to our conference conferees, but they are my affirmations for the year. These are the words I believe God speaks into my heart to fire me up, encourage me, and put a boot in my bootie. They remind me who has called me into service, where my strength comes from, and how to manage my work, life, and heart.
As we enter conference season in the next few weeks, I ask that you print this page. Keep it by your computer, in your journal, or at your desk. Read it frequently and remember. Remember whose child you are and who guides your life. Lean into it and write.
My Calling to Write
He is the still, small voice. Do not ignore Him just because He may whisper. When you are called, answer.
Listen to the caller. Hear the words that come to your mind. There is reason behind the call.
When you are called to write, understand the calling may not be for glory or fame. Instead, it may be as simple as writing a prayer or as difficult as marching into battle. Still, be brave and answer the call.
David heard the call while watching sheep and, without hesitation, bolted into action to kill a giant. Something many times larger than he, yet the call came, and David ran to answer with only a sling and a stone. You have the power of the pen and God behind your fingers to push it.
Moses heard the call, and so did Jonah. They tried to ignore but could not—God worked amazing things through them when they answered.
I understand my call may not be to lead others into battle and that I should not rate my calling according to my scale of importance. Any call from God is mighty. Any call is important. Every call has a reason, and I was chosen because God gave me the ability to do what He required of me. He always prepares us.
I understand my call may require me to stretch my wings – to leap when I am afraid, but I will take hold of the Word that says …those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
I will trust. I will learn. I will seek out the call given to me to write. I will depend on God's leading for what I write, and I will rely on His will, not my own, for the work's level of success. I will lift my hands and praise Him, for in His wisdom, all things work to the good of those who love the Lord.
I will learn to wait when waiting is hard, and I will take hold of gratitude and appreciation for every word I pen, offering them back to the God who placed them in my heart so that He might use them to His glory and not mine. I do not expect glory in my own right, but I will rest in knowing that, though I may not see the fruit of my labor, God will use the things I write in His time – the right time.
I understand writing for the Father is not average. Nor is it easy. I know I will meet with adversity, but I will not lay the call of the work to the side and give up, for God's timing is amazing.
I have taken the first steps to answer His call for me to write by acknowledging He is in all I do. I will continue to listen to this call and follow in the footprints before me, for I am called to pen words. I am called as His writer.
I will listen to His call and answer.
Cindy K. Sproles is an author, speaker, and conference teacher. Having served for a number of years as a managing editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas and Ironstream Media, Cindy now works as a mentor, coach, and freelance editor. She is the co-founder of Writing Right Author Mentoring Services with Lori Marett and she is the director of the Asheville Christian Writers Conference. Cindy is also the co-founder of Christian Devotions Ministries and WWW.CHRISTIANDEVOTIONS.US, as well as WWW.INSPIREAFIRE.COM. Her devotions are in newspapers and magazines nationwide, and her novels have become award-winning best-selling works. She is a popular speaker at conferences and a natural encourager. Cindy is a mountain girl, born and raised in the Appalachian mountains, where she and her husband still reside. She has raised four sons and now resorts to raising chickens where the pecking order is easier to manage. You can visit Cindy at WWW.CINDYSPROLES.COM or
Thank you for sharing your wisdom Ms. Cindy. God's blessings, ma'am.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Deleteyes and amen!
ReplyDeleteI hope this helps bring encouragement.
DeleteYes, this is something that needs to be printed and read every day. Thanks, Cindy!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I hope it's helpful.
DeleteYour post was very inspiring as always. Thank you for being a faith warrior and an encourager, Cindy.