Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Writers Do Not Give Up—Your Words Inspire Others

Edie here and boy do I have a treat for you. We have another new columnist at The Write Conversation! Today I'm introducing you to a woman I greatly respect, Kennita Williams. I know you will benefit from her humble wisdom as much as I have. AND she'll be joining us every month. Be sure to give her a warm TWC Welcome!

Writers Do Not Give Up—Your Words Inspire Others
by Kennita "Kay" Williams

Writing can sometimes feel like a solitary and challenging journey. There are moments when the words flow, and then there are seasons when every sentence feels like a struggle. In these times, doubt can creep in, making you wonder if your work has any real value or impact. But remember, as a writer, you hold a gift. Your words have the power to inspire, heal, and encourage others in ways you may never fully understand.

When you feel discouraged, know this truth: you are called to write. Your words matter, and they can impact on the lives of others far beyond what you may ever see.

The Bible says in Habakkuk 2:2 (NIV), “Then the Lord replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.’” God instructed Habakkuk to write the vision down so others could be inspired and moved to action. Writing is not a passive activity—it is a divine assignment with the potential to lead others toward hope and truth.

Writing as a Calling

Like Habakkuk, you are called to write, to share insight and encouragement. Even when you feel no one is listening, your writing is a tool God uses to reach others. You may not always see the immediate impact of your words, but that does not mean they are not making a difference.

Just as a seed is planted before it grows into something visible, your words are seeds being sown in the hearts of others. Trust that even in seasons of doubt, your words serve a purpose far greater than you may realize.

The Power of Words

Proverbs 18:21 reminds us, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” Your writing has the potential to bring life—to offer encouragement, wisdom, and joy to those who read it. Think about moments when someone else’s words impacted you. Someone took the time to write, and their words made a difference in your life. What if that writer had given up?

Your writing has the same potential. Your unique voice, perspective, and experiences make your words irreplaceable. Someone is waiting to be inspired by what you have to say.

Perseverance in Writing

Every writer faces challenges—writer’s block, self-doubt, and the pressure to produce something meaningful. But what separates successful writers from those who give up is perseverance. Galatians 6:9 encourages us, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Writing is a form of doing good—it is your way of serving others through your gift.

Do not let temporary setbacks convince you that your writing doesn’t matter. Keep going, knowing that in due time, the seeds you’ve planted will grow.

Trust the Process

Writing is an act of faith. You may not see the impact right away, but trust that God is using your words in ways you cannot imagine. On the hard days, when doubt overwhelms you, remember that God gave you this gift for a reason. He placed a message within you that the world needs to hear.

Keep writing, keep believing, and trust in the process. The work you are doing is not in vain. Someone, somewhere, is waiting for your words to bring them hope and clarity.

Let me pray for you!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You for the gift of writing. When doubt and discouragement creep in, remind me that You have called me to this work for a greater purpose. Strengthen me to keep going, even when the journey is hard. Help me to trust that my words will inspire and bless others. Let my writing reflect Your love and wisdom, and may it bring hope to those who need it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Dr. Kennita “Kay” Williams is a Visionary Leadership Coach, Author, Resilience Expert, and Wellness Advocate. Through her Business/Ministry, Clear Vision, she empowers leaders to navigate challenges, gain clarity, and lead with purpose. Dr. Kay’s mission is to inspire wholeness and healing. She can be contacted at


  1. Welcome aboard, Kay. I'm delighted you've joined us. I'm looking forward to reading your future posts. This one is excellent.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm excited to be here.

  2. Welcome to the team! Thanks for today’s post, too!

    1. It's an honor! I'm excited to be here!

  3. Your blog inspired me. I need to read it each month! I write to inspire and equip. I loved your quote to inspire and moved to action!

    1. This warms my heart! Keep writing, your words bless others.

  4. Welcome, Kay. Thank you for your insight.

    Tim Suddeth

    1. Tim ... thank you for the warm welcome! I'm excited to be here.

  5. Welcome! So glad you are here. I look forward to reading your messages. :-)

    1. Melissa thank you so much ... I'm excited to be here.

  6. Welcome, Kay! Thank you for your encouraging message.
