Thursday, August 29, 2024

Is Your Christian Writing Inspired? How to Know

Edie here. Sometimes I make mistakes and sometimes I make COLOSSAL mistakes. This is one of colossal times. Last Friday, I posted Lori Hatcher's blog post on how to know our Christian writing is inspired. HOWEVER, I only posted the last half of what she sent me. Talk about feeling like an idiot (that would be me). Because of that, I'm reposting the ENTIRE blog post today and hope you all will forgive me as graciously as Lori has. So, take 2 on 

Is Your Christian Writing Inspired? How to Know
by Lori Hatcher

How many times have you heard a writer say, “God inspired me to write this article/devotion/book”? Or, “I ask God for inspiration every time I sit down to write”? 

Have you ever heard a writer say, “God inspired this piece. It doesn’t need editing”?

Some Christian writers find the topic of inspiration mysterious. 

Is it inspiration when we feel an urgency to capture our thoughts/knowledge/experience on paper so others can benefit from them? What about that sudden burst of creativity and seemingly supernatural flow of words? Or the brilliant idea for the next devotion, article, or chapter that awakens us in the middle of the night? Is this inspiration?

If we’re seeking God, staying close to Him, and yielding our words and our lives to Him, it could be.

God commands His children to teach others what we’ve learned about God and the Bible. Paul told the Colossians, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another” (Colossians 3:16).

He compels believers to share the spiritual and practical lessons we’ve learned to comfort and encourage others. Paul reminded the Corinthians, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . . who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

God grants us life, orchestrates the events of our days, and fills our mouths (and our fingers) with words that draw people to Himself. Paul told the Athenians, “In Him [God] we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:) 

God inspires us.

But is our writing inspired?


And no. 

Our writing is inspired in the sense it is motivated by our love for God and for His glory. 

It’s inspired because God prompts us to write it, and we respond in obedience.

It’s inspired because the ideas and concepts we share find their basis in the divine inspiration of God’s Word. 

But our writing is not inspired in the same way the Bible is inspired.

Paul wrote that God’s Word is “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). Theopneustos, the Greek word, describes how the authors of the Bible were swept along by a divine, controlling author. God directed every syllable, every word, every sentence, and every punctuation mark, as they appear in the original languages. The words God gave the human authors who penned the Bible were the very breath of God.

Peter confirmed this when he said, “men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). 

Today, the canon of Scripture is complete (Revelation 22:18-19). Our words can affirm God’s Word, contain God’s Word, and explain God’s Word, but they are not the same thing as God’s divinely inspired Word. 

The Bible is perfect. Our words, well, not so much.

The next time an editor dares to take her red pen to your inspired words, remember that only God, through the human authors He divinely inspired, wrote a perfect manuscript. 

But with His help, we can write words that will inspire others to know Him and love Him more.


Lori Hatcher loves to inspire and equip others by sharing high-impact stories for spiritual transformation. A popular women’s ministry speaker and writing/speaking instructor, Lori writes for Our Daily Bread, Guideposts, Revive Our Hearts, and Check out her latest devotional, A WORD FOR YOUR DAY: 66 DEVOTIONS TO REFRESH YOUR MIND, from Our Daily Bread Publishing. Connect with her at LORIHATCHER.COM or on FACEBOOK.


  1. Just goes to show you're human like the rest of us, Edie. We love you!

    1. Edie does a great job. I’m so thankful for these posts!

  2. Thank you for posting the entire blog. This is an eye-opening blog. and very encouraging for all.

  3. Not sure if my first comment got published. Edie I want to thank you for publishing the entire blog. It is very inspiring.
