Sunday, August 25, 2024

An Ordinary Writer, Writing About Ordinary Things, Is God’s Gift to the World

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

I know, we’re all supposed to strive for extraordinary. At least that’s what we’re told. So writers search for the new and different—the unique and the never-been-done-before. But what if that search is just a little bit off the mark?

What if the writing gift we have is better used by highlighting the extraordinary in the ordinary.

AND…what if being an ordinary writer is truly an extraordinary calling?

Here is something God showed me one day while I was out on a photo field trip taking pictures of common pansies. 

The Miracle of Pansies

Pansies are one of my favorite flowers. Here in South Carolina, they’re incredibly common and hardy. We can find them everywhere—blooming almost year round. 

Because pansies are so common, they’re easy to overlook. And that’s one of the reasons I love them!

As a photographer I delight in capturing extraordinary images of ordinary things. When I can do this, I feel joy and kinship with my Heavenly Father. I know God does the same thing with us—delighting in bringing out the extraordinary in the ordinary.

I don’t know about you, but I often feel common and unremarkable—just part of the crowd. We often may believe there is nothing special about what we do or who we are. 

And yet, God pulls out and highlights our uniqueness. He orchestrates our circumstances to make our common lives uncommonly vital. He created each of us individually and He delights in showing the extraordinary in what we think is ordinary.

Bottom Line
As writers, we can follow God’s example. We can take every day circumstances and pull truth and comfort and inspiration from what we write. 

And while we may not see it, each of us is an extraordinary writer. We are participating in God’s plans and being used beyond what we can imagine. We are each part of God’s army of scribes—sharing truth in a world that desperately needs to be set free from the lies. 

So join me in embracing ordinary and letting God take our seemingly insignificant contributions to shine His light in the dark!

Let me pray for you…

Dear Lord, there are so many out there who are weary of striving and feel discouraged in where they are with their writing journey. Encourage and uplift them. Show them glimpses of the eternal ways and places You are using their words. 

Set people around them to shine light on their tireless obedience and how please You are with them. Give them courage to continue when life is difficult. Protect each one—and those they love—from the enemy’s attacks. 

Open their eyes to the spiritual realm and help them see the truth of what is happening in the supernatural world because of how You are working in and through them. 

Most of all, hold them close. Surround them with other writers who will journey with them. Bring together a community of your writing soldiers to encourage each other as they wield the pens You’ve equipped them with. Amen. 


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives.Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, X (formally Twitter) and on Instagram.

Featured Image copyright of Edie Melson Photography


  1. Thank you for this beautiful post and prayer. Blessings, Edie!

  2. Thank you for these words of encouragement. I write devotions, but always feel I should do more, maybe a book. But I feel differently now. Perhaps one devotion will touch a heart for Jesus. Thank you for this daily post. I know it takes a lot to keep it going. God bless your ministry to writers.

  3. Thank you for this simple, lovely reminder and prayer!

  4. Great post, Edie. And a great reminder to look at the wonder of God's creation in even the simple things.

  5. I love this, Edie. It makes me think of my mother, so ordinary, yet she lived an extraordinary life of faith. She died young and what a consolation it is knowing she's with our Lord. Btw, I love pansies too, esp. the little Johnny jump ups!

  6. An encouraging post for writers at all stages, thank you!
