Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Writing A Novel’s Critical First Page

by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

A novel’s first page is critical to the success of a successful novel. Here the writer must hook the reader into the story by ensuring the following are clearly shown:

1. Establish genre.
2. Introduce a sympathetic character.
3. Initiate a bond between the protagonist and the reader.
4. Build a setting.
5. Create a story disturbance.

Diving Deeper in Writing A Compelling First Page 

1. A Strong Hook

Statistics show a reader decides to purchase a book by the end of the first page. I’m worse! I choose to invest time and energy into reading a book in the first paragraph and sometimes the first line. 

The opening hook or first line of a novel plunges the reader into the story world by creating a curiosity or posing a question. Every story needs an alluring first sentence to entice the reader to continue. The hook is the writer’s invitation to the reader to begin an exciting journey. 

“Come join me in this adventure.” 

The writer issues a subtle promise to readers that every word will be as powerful as the opening line. Writers spend hours delivering on their commitment. Our opening hooks establish the essence of our story and are designed to affect reader emotions. 

I like what Donald Newlove says about opening sentences in his book Painted Paragraphs. “It is about the white-hot opening whose glow speaks for a story’s greatest strength: its spirit.”

The above quote inspires me to return repeatedly to my opening line.

2. Genre

Establish the novel’s genre in the beginning: contemporary, historical, romance, suspense, fantasy, science fiction, thriller, western, young adult, or any of the other genres. Romance is often paired with other story types. The book cover and title often depict the type of story, but it’s the writer’s responsibility to establish genre on the first page.

3. A Unique and Sympathetic Hero or Heroine

Writers choose how to characterize their protagonists and antagonists in a variety of ways that suit the writer’s personality. Whatever method is used, the result is a character who lives in the reader’s heart long after the story is over. Spend time with your characters and endear them to the reader by making them come alive. The antagonist must be better equipped to succeed in reaching the goal than the protagonist.

4. An Antagonistic Setting

Ensure the setting is constantly working against the hero or heroine. Like an antagonistic character, the setting can be charming, attractive, and have an emotional impact on the character.

5. A Story Disturbance

A story disturbance is not the story problem, but a frustrating intrusion into the protagonist’s life. Some writers refer to this as the inciting incident. Introduce the disturbance on the first page and resolve it quickly. How the character responds creates a bond with the reader, who becomes the character’s cheerleader. The reader is assured that whatever problem the hero or heroine faces, the result will be an adventure.

While the above five items are critical to the first page of a novel, the writer moves forward by ensuring tension, conflict, and suspense are continuously in the character’s path. Before the first one-fifth to one-fourth of the novel, a problem is introduced, and the character chooses to accept the seemingly impossible. The character steps through the first doorway into the plot with a firm resolve to do everything possible to succeed.

A story explodes on the first page. Writers work passionately to emerge a reader into a story world that is unforgettable. Can you accept the challenge?


DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She creates action-packed, suspense-filled novels to thrill readers. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. 

She is the former director of the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference, Mountainside Marketing Retreat, and Mountainside Novelist Retreat with social media specialist Edie Melson. Connect here:


  1. Thank you for your information on the first page. I’m using it as a checklist.

  2. Thank you for the helpful guidelines for successfully grabbing the reader's attention from the very first paragraph.

    1. Jim, you are very welcome. Wishing you much success!

  3. First pages make me anxious. I heard many authors say how they go back after finishing a novel, and rewrite it.
    Thanks for the excellent advice, DiAnn.

    1. Ingmar, I often revisit my first page. It's super critical.
