Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Why Writing Articles is a Smart Career Move for Writers

by Linda Gilden @LindaGilden

So, why are articles important to your writing career?

I don’t know I’ve ever been asked that question before. However, there are many answers to that question.

When I first began to write articles, I had a very practical reason. My three children were small and really didn’t like taking naps. I grabbed every spare minute I could to pursue my writing career. I wrote in my head while I did laundry, changed diapers, and played Candy Land. Then when the children finally got tired, I put them down for naps and used that fifteen minutes or so to transfer words from my head. Articles seemed the logical way to go because they took a shorter time to write. Sometimes it took more than one nap but I could usually complete an article in three naps or so.

So back to the original question. Why articles?

You learn a lot writing articles. No matter how short your article, you will most likely have to do some research about your question. Not only will that provide new sources of education for you but it will also likely give you some ideas for other articles on related subjects. Often once you write an article on a specific subject that the editor likes, you may be invited to write another on a related subject. 

Several years ago an editor called and asked if I could write an article on family reunions. It was summer and certainly reunion season. I had written a number of articles over the years for this publication, and he thought my style would be a good fit for this subject. The first article I did was titled something like “Planning a Successful Reunion.” The editor loved it and asked if I could write about anything else related to family reunions. I offered him “What to do With the Children at a Family Reunion,” “Planning a Get-to-know you time at Family Reunions,” and several other options. From that one bit of research, I was able to write and sell four or five articles. I also learned that a university in Pennsylvania had a masters in Family Reunions. I talked to the author who wrote the foreword for the textbook and learned a lot from her.

Articles are very helpful to build your platform and every time your name appears on an article your recognition increases with the readers of that publication. If they like your writing, which of course if you have done your best they will, they will begin to look for your name in other magazines they read. Use every opportunity y to make people aware that you are an excellent writer.

Articles make a great side hussle while you are getting your writing career off the ground. In the beginning your goal may not be to make money but just to get your name out there and add credits to your writing repertoire. Everything you write will add ways you gain recognition as a writer.

When you see a new publication that has come on the market, you might want to try it out. A good way to do so is to write a short article. First, go through the magazine and see what its style is like. Then if you think it is a good fit, you can write an article to see if the editors agree. It is always good to write for an editor of a new magazine and get on their list of writers they like.

No matter what your reason (and there are many more) for writing articles, it is a good first step in your writing career. You will not only enjoy the writing, but you will also enjoy meeting new publishers and learning new markets to write for.

Good luck with your article writing. If you know a publication that is just getting started or who has a new editor, would you share it with the rest of us in the comment section. We can help each other take new steps in our writing. Happy writing to all!


Linda Gilden is an experienced, bestselling writer, speaker, award-winning editor, marketer, and speaking coach, ghostwriter, and writing coach. Author of 40 books and 2,000+ magazine articles, Linda appreciates a great story. She believes with our stories, we can change the world one word at a time and loves to encourage others to do that through writing coaching and personal tutoring. Her newest book was released in November: TRADING SHADOWS: EXCHANGING A LIFE OF SECRETS, FEAR, AND DOUBT FOR A LIFE OF FREEDOM WITH THE ALMIGHTY.


  1. Linda, is there a good resource that lists publishers who accept freelance articles?

  2. I love writing articles and devotions. :-)

  3. Linda,

    Writing magazine articles has been and continues to be a key part of my writing life. You can reach many more people with a short article than my books will ever reach.

    Martin, great question about a resource. I recommend the current edition of The Christian Writers Market Guide. This information changes all the time so if you have an old version, you need the current one. Use those entries and websites to give the editors what they need. Also look at the theme lists because they will provide opportunities for your writing.

    author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition) [Follow the Link for a FREE copy]
