Monday, May 6, 2024

Don't Neglect Social Media Before and During Your Next Writing Conference

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

We are well into the spring season of Writing Conferences. Writers everywhere are returning and/or making plans to attend writing conferences. But in the midst of your preparation, be sure not to miss out on valuable connections that can more than double what you get out of these events.

Many writers have the mistaken idea that social networking is only beneficial online. Or that it only helps when you can’t be at an event. Not true.

While it’s true that social networking can help you plug in when you’re not at a conference or event—many miss the benefits of networking online before and during the conference.

Here are just a few of the benefits you’ll find:
  • The ability to connect with others who’ll also be attending the conference. This can make coming to a huge event more like a reunion than a reason for anxiety medicine.
  • The chance to find out what industry professionals are looking for in advance. It can also give you the opportunity to find out the way the interact with others and even some of their pet peeves.
  • The opportunity for the faculty, staff, and other attendees to get to know you in a positive way. If you take the time to introduce yourself online and interact, you can already be ahead of the game when it comes to being remembered after the conference is over.
  • The inside scoop. It’s an unwritten rule that the bigger the conference, the more last minute changes occur. You can be one of the first to know what’s happening and already have a plan in place before most of the attendees know what’s happening.
So how do you make these valuable pre-conference connections? There are several ways and I recommend you use as many as you have time for. Not everyone is on all the social networks, so utilizing more than one can give you better results.

The very first place to start is on the conference website. As a conference director myself, I’m always amazed at the number of people who don’t take advantage of the resources we have on our site. It will definitely make you stand out in a good way if you take the time to read the info on the site.

So what info is valuable for social networking?
  • First and foremost the conference blog. Frequently there’ll be guest posts from faculty with extra, valuable information. There also may be posts about the culture of the conference. By that I mean the expectations of those on staff and attending. What is the expected attire of attendees, are there any special events that require or expect attendees to dress up, even how many people will be there.
  • e-Loops. These are email loops that provide the opportunity for attendees to interact with each other and/or the staff and faculty. Some conferences have different loops for different genres, others have one general loop, and still others offer something for first-time attendees. You’ll never know what’s available unless you look.
  • Conference Facebook Page and/or Group. This is another opportunity to connect with attendees and faculty. Be sure to Like the page to take advantage of all the networking options.
  • Conference Twitter Account. This is a great account to follow on Twitter because of the information that can be gleaned. You’ll also be able to find out what the conference #Hashtags are. (A hashtag is a number sign in front of a group of letters, numbers, and/or words. There are no spaces within a hashtag and this designation makes the hashtag searchable anywhere within the Twitter universe.)
  • Faculty Page on the website. On this page you should be able to find the websites and blogs of the faculty. Or, if they’re not listed, you’ll at least get the correct spelling to make your own research easier. 

So once you’ve exhausted the info on the conference site, then what? Why it’s on the faculty and staff. Here’s what to look for:

  • Blogs and Websites: I start here because this is where most people go to find out about the faculty of a conference. Read the blogs and leave comments. The comments section is also a good place to eavesdrop and find other commenters who’ll be attending the conference.
  • Facebook: Most people who have a blog have a way to connect with them on Facebook there. I don’t recommend you make professional relationships by friending someone (requesting they become your friend on Facebook). It’s better to let the professional take your online connection to the next level. So Follow their personal page or Like their professional page. You can comment on things they post there and continue the conversation you started on their blog. Once again, don’t neglect to notice who else is on there and whether or not they’ll be attending the conference.
  • X (Twitter): With Twitter, the etiquette is slightly different so it’s a good idea to find all the faculty and Follow them on Twitter. It’s always a compliment to be mentioned on Twitter, so spread the word about blog posts and comments that have helped you.
  • Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc: All of these are good secondary routes to network prior to a conference, but I recommend them as a second line strategy rather than the first things you go to.
While You’re at the Conference
Not all the value of social media occurs before the event. Social media is a great way to share the experience with tweeting and sharing pics on Facebook and Instagram.
  • It will also cement you as one of the crowd, when sharing valuable quotes from others at the conference.
  • As mentioned above, most events have an event hashtag and by following it, you can stay up-to-date with any schedule changes or announcements.
  • You can also follow new contacts on social media while you’re with them at the conference. 

While all of these things take time, they can exponentially increase the value of a single event. You’re spending good money to go a conference, take the time to get everything you can from it. 

What tips have you found for using social media to get more value from a writing conference? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Don't forget to join the conversation!


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives. Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, Twitter and on Instagram.


  1. I'm glad the Florida conference is still several months away. It'll be my first and hopefully I'll have my legs under me as far as being prepared.

    1. Well, that was a dud. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fred Squillante, author of The Harlot of Revelation and the Great Tribulation. I have a completed manuscript for my next book on Daniel. Eschatology is my genre subject of interest.

  2. Thanks for the great advice, Edie. It's also nice to post something in Facebook writers' groups to ask if other group members are attending. And when you follow the conference's Facebook page or group, mark the settings to always show the group's posts in your feed so they doesn't get quite so buried. :-)
