Thursday, April 11, 2024

Top Ten Tips for Passing the Time on the Way to a Writing Conference

by Julie Lavender @JLavenderWrites

Do you have a hard time being idle or is this just me? 

I recently returned from a writers conference that required an almost-seven hour drive through back country roads—and the speed limit on most of those county roads topped out at a whopping forty-five miles per hour! Because I’d attended this conference before, I knew the arduous journey ahead of me. Therefore, I left my house prepared to multitask—safely—on my trek. 

The night before I left, I downloaded a couple of writing classes from a previous writers conference, downloaded a children’s chapter book, wrote (in large print on a sticky note) the names of conference speakers, and made sure the Bible app on my phone worked properly. 

The next morning, with my car completely packed, I plugged in my phone and typed in the conference center’s address. I stuck the list of speakers on the corner of my car’s GPS screen. Then I set out on my journey with ten ideas for passing the time on the drive. 

If you’re headed to a writers conference soon, (safely) employ some of these tips on the long drive. These same tips can also work for a day of air travel to a conference. 


I typically prayer-walk daily in the morning before I jump into writing, errands, or household projects. When I know I’m going to be in the car for a long time alone, I save my prayer time until I depart. I love to pray on a long car ride, talking aloud to God, pouring out my praise, and lifting up my requests. 

2. PRAY for conference speakers and staff

I pray for writers almost every day. I pray in general, but I also lift up many of my writer friends by name and need. On the way to a conference, I spend a long time praying for attendees, speakers, faculty and staff, schedules, and the hopes and dreams of all those involved. I can quickly glance at the list of names on my sticky note to help me remember to pray for conference faculty and staff specifically. If I’m on faculty, I ask the Lord to guide my words to bless those whom I come in contact with. 


After my prayer time, I focus on my surroundings with the intention of offering God praise for His creations and thanksgiving for the manmade objects around me. (On this particular trip, I had to come to a complete stop—twice—to allow half a dozen goats and then a turkey to cross the road.)

4. LISTEN to Scripture on an audio Bible

After my prayer and praise time, I pulled over long enough to pull up my Bible app. I listened to my Scripture reading for the day as the miles sped by.

5. LISTEN to an audio book

On my next pullover, I hit the button to listen to several chapters of a favorite middle grade novel.

6. CALL writer friends you haven’t seen in a while

Using Siri and working hands-free, I called several writer friends I’ve met at other conferences, ones that couldn’t make it to the one I was heading to, and caught up on life.

7. CALL your mom

Again, safely and hands-free, I called Momma to check in and make plans for errands together when I returned.


Using the touch screen on my car’s dashboard and with Siri’s help again, I sent texts to myself about possible articles I hoped to write soon.

9. PLAN the week’s menu for after you return from the conference

Safely and hands-free, I sent texts to myself with meal ideas and grocery notes.

10. LISTEN to praise and worship songs

With the few minutes of time I had left after completing all of the activities above, I used the scan and seek buttons on my steering wheel to find a Christian station to enjoy praise and worship music.

Obviously, all my tips come with a warning to employ with the utmost safety precautions while traveling by car or in the air. If you have other suggestions, ones I might try on my next writers’ conference road trip, please share them below. I’d love to know how you pass the time away on the way to a conference. 


Julie Lavender is excited that her children’s books release this fall, a children’s picture book with End Game Press and four educational children’s books co-authored with her husband. She’s also excited about the release of two books since October: the bilingual edition of her award-winning, Amazon bestselling, Children’s Bible Stories for Bedtime; andStrength for All Seasons: A Mom’s Devotional of Powerful Verses and Prayers.

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