Sunday, February 11, 2024

A Writer’s Refreshment

by Martin Wiles @LinesFromGod

After a year, without a word from the publisher about my submitted manuscript, I needed a writer’s refreshment. And since this was about the fourth place I had submitted it, I really needed refreshing. None came. 

But I got over it, especially since a book is not a part of my WIP (work in progress) anymore—although I have a couple of shelved manuscripts that have never seen the light of publishing. 

Initially, in my writing journey—like most budding writers—I craved a book with my name on it, perhaps to boost my ego and confirm I was a legitimate writer. But that was fourteen years and seven books ago. 

Now, I no longer need that type of refreshment. I have websites and publishing houses for which I regularly write devotions and Sunday school curricula—some paid, some not. Additionally, I hone my editing skills by managing two websites, plus my personal one. In this way, I receive the privilege of writing for others and helping other writers. 

Recently, I received a message from an old friend who wanted to publish a prayer book and guide and wanted my advice. I’m not an expert on publishing trends, but I try to keep up. I informed her that the publishing world is now a dog-eat-dog world—more so than ever. But the business also offers more opportunities and avenues than ever before. Knowing her background and social media platform, I suggested she self-publish. My final advice to her was, “Whatever route you take, know that most of the marketing will fall on your shoulders. And make sure you hire a professional editor.” Although I mixed a little negatively with my advice, I refreshed her on her intended journey. Sometimes, refreshment comes with a dose of reality. 

Paul was a writer, and Philemon had refreshed him. “Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people” (Philemon 1:7 NLT).

Paul’s refreshment came from someone, not a practice or some item. Philemon had refreshed him with acts of love. Now, Paul wanted Philemon to refresh him again by accepting back Philemon’s runaway slave, Onesimus, who had become a believer since meeting Paul. We don’t know whether Philemon agreed, but I have a sneaky feeling he did. 

But we don’t find the most remarkable refreshing in life in earthly relationships, play toys, events, hobbies, professions, books, articles, or devotions. The greatest refreshment comes from a heavenly relationship with a Creator who assures us he forgives our sins when we ask—past, present, and future. 

At that moment, and from then on, all is well with our souls, regardless of our circumstances—or what we write or have published. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. Not trials, tribulation, persecution, or publisher rejection. We may lose everything we deem important in life—and much of our writing may never see the light of day—but we can never lose God’s love, nor will he take it away. 

In the good and bad times, when acceptance letters and contracts caress us or rejection letters and publisher silence taunt us, we can find a refreshing wave of comfort in knowing God holds our hand, guides our writing steps, and gives us the wisdom to carry on. Yes, we must do our part by sending the MS, attending the conferences, learning the business, writing, and making contacts, but ultimately, God opens the doors and provides the writer refreshment we need. 

In the meantime, we can keep doing the last thing God told us. And along the way, we can always find another writer or potential writer who needs some refreshment. 

What are some ways you can give a little writer refreshment?


Martin Wiles is the founder of Love Lines from God (WWW.LOVELINESFROMGOD.COM) and serves as Managing Editor for Christian Devotions and Directing Editor for VineWords. He has authored six books and has been published in numerous publications. His most recent book, DON'T JUST LIVE...REALLY LIVE, debuted in October of 2021. He is a freelance editor, English teacher, author, and pastor.


  1. Martin, thanks for this great encouragement that brings our motives for writing back into focus.

  2. Such an encouraging post, based on Truth. Thank you, Martin.

  3. Thank you for these encouraging words.
