Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Writer's ABCs: Basic Building Blocks for Your Writing Journey

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

I love to share posts using the ABCs. There's something so satisfying to coming up with the insight that goes with each letter. I admit, I'm addicted to it! You may remember one I wrote last year titled: Do You Know the ABCs of Writing? Well today I was inspired to write another, similar post. I decided to come up with some new suggestions and had a lot of fun playing with the content. I hope you enjoy it too!

Basic Building Blocks for Your Writing Journey

A is for Abundance. Write out of the overflow. Feed your soul and you'll always have the words you need to sustain your calling.

B is for Bravery. Don't shrink from the hard stuff, whether it's tough topics or just the courage to continue.

C is for Commonplace. Don't overlook the magic and beauty that surrounds you. It's the spaces between that often add depth and meaning to our words.

D is for the Details. Excellence is found in attention to every aspect of our craft.

E is for Encouragement. Use your words to encourage others along the way. Words have great power. Wield yours for good.

F is for Finite. Our time here on earth is limited, don't waste time and energy on what might occur. 

G is for Gratitude. As frustrating as this love of words can be at times, it truly is a gift. Don't ever take it for granted.

H is for Hilarity. Don't forget to take time to see the humor that crops up unexpectedly. Laugh at yourself, at the circumstances, and especially at those who irritate you.

I is for...well...I. Don't neglect yourself. Take care of your body, your mind, and especially your soul.

J is for Jena se' qua. Which is French for that certain, undefinable quality that makes each of us special. Never doubt how incredibly special you are!

K is for Keeping on. Don't ever quit, no matter what.

L is for Lessons Learned. Sometimes the knowledge we have comes from our own experience, but often times it's gleaned from the experiences of those around us. 

M is for Muscles. Writing is hard work. Keep up a regular writing schedule to stay in shape and continue to grow in your craft.

N is for No. Time to write comes only when we make the choice. Saying yes to writing means saying no to something else.

O is for Only. Only you can write from your one-of-a-kind perspective. Yes,we all have shared experiences and circumstances, but those are filtered through each of us, making our voice unique.

P is for Position (and possibilities). Ignore those behind you or you'll grow conceited, don't envy those in front or you'll grow discouraged. Instead look within and see the possibilities.

Q is for Quantity. Learn to write a certain amount every day, whether you find yourself in the mood or not. It's this discipline that will sustain you in the tough times to come.

R is for Respect. Respect yourself for following your dream and being brave enough to say the words, "I am a writer."

S is for Sadness. Embrace the full range of human emotions in your writing. A diet of nothing but sweetness and light cannot sustain anyone for very long.

T is for Talent and Time. Talent will get you nowhere, but time can lead you into forever.

U is for Unless. Unless you answer the call, your story may never be told.

V is for Villain. Never underestimate the power of a good villain to make a hero great—in a story and in life.

W is for What if....Two magical words that lead to an infinite world of possibilities through the pen of a writer. 

X is for, Xylophone. Sometimes you have to hit it with a hammer to make the music heard.

Y is for Yes. Take a chance on success. Make it a habit to say yes to some of the scary opportunities that come your way.

Z is for Zigzag. I've found that as a writer, the most interesting path from point A to point B is rarely in a straight line. Almost all the good stuff is found in the detours.

I encourage you to use these thoughts to alphabetize your writing life. Can you suggest some others?

Don't forget to join the conversation!


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives. Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


  1. The first four letters of the alphabet are the hardest.
    The rest are e-z. lol

    1. My comment above. I am anonymous, not Sparticus. Happy Taco Tuesday

  2. Love this post, Edie! Since I am a children's writer, I have written numerous ABC books--it's a fun way to tell a story or teach a lesson, plus it holds the reader's attention because they are eager to see the word that is used for each letter.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement.

  4. Good list. I think you mean "Je ne sais quoi". Your J is my favorite. :o) Thanks for this post.
