Friday, September 22, 2023

6 Healthy Ways for an Author to Respond to Positive Reader Feedback

by Lori Hatcher @LoriHatcher2

Don’t you just love it when you open your computer and find a positive email from a reader? Your heart soars. YES! There is someone reading out there in the vast publishing wilderness. Of all the books on Amazon, they chose mine. And they enjoyed it enough to write and tell me about it.

A well-timed reader email can inspire us to pick up our WIP, edit that next draft, or complete a labor-intensive book proposal. Nothing says, “Press on,” more than a reader email (except, of course, that still, small Voice that called us).

After you’ve read that kind email, read it again. Allow the words to sink joyfully into your weary writer soul, then respond. 

Six Ways to Respond to Positive Reader Feedback 

1. Offer the praise to God. 

First Corinthians 4:7 reminds us, “What do you have that you did not receive?” It’s important to realize and acknowledge that the opportunity to write the book or article, the ability to write, the content of our work, and the connection to the reader all came from God. Ultimately, He’s the one who deserves the praise. When we acknowledge God as the source of everything good (James 1:17), we guard against pride and reduce our risk of becoming a glory stealer.

2. Pray for the reader.

Most of the emails I receive from readers include personal information. Because I’m a devotional writer, readers will often mention how a specific devotion spoke to them during a challenging time in their life. This glimpse into their world helps me know how to pray for them. 

3. Respond.

Always respond to their email. If they took the time to write a note of appreciation and made the effort to track down your contact information, they deserve a response. Thank them for writing, mention that you prayed for them, and, if appropriate, say something about what they shared. You want them to know your email is personal, not auto-generated.

4. Ask them to share their thoughts in a review.

Most readers who loved your book enough to write you will also be willing to share their thoughts in a review, especially if you explain why you’re asking. I usually conclude my email with, “I’d be most grateful if you’d share your thoughts in an Amazon review. Your honest review will help me reach other readers who can benefit from this book.”

5. Share other resources.

I try to mention at least one other source of encouragement. I might direct them to my blog or tell them about my other books. If they mentioned a particular concern that I’ve written about online, I’ll share the link.

6. Save their email.

I keep a folder on my computer named Reader Emails. Every time I receive one, I tuck it into the folder. On bad days, I open it and allow God to use my readers’ kind words to remind me why I write.

Every positive reader email is a gift from God. As good stewards of God’s gifts, let’s receive them with gladness, offer them up to God in praise, and use them as a tool to continue our ministry.

Now it’s your turn. Have you received a note from a reader? How did you respond? As a reader, have you written a note to an author whose writing has blessed you? Consider doing this today. Share your thoughts below and join the conversation.

Lori Hatcher loves to inspire and equip others through the written and spoken word. A popular women’s ministry speaker and writing/speaking instructor, Lori is an Advanced Communicator God and Advanced Leader Bronze with Toastmasters International. She writes for Our Daily Bread, Guideposts, Revive Our Hearts, and Check out her latest devotional, Refresh Your Hope, 60 Devotions for Trusting God with All Your Heart, from Our Daily Bread Publishing. Invite her to speak or teach at your event by contacting her at or on FACEBOOK, TWITTER(@lorihatcher2) or PINTEREST(Hungry for God).

Featured Image: Photo by Leon Seibert on Unsplash


  1. Lori,

    Thank you for this great article with a valuable series of actions and insights.

    author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition) [Follow the Link for a FREE copy]

    1. And thank you for reading, Terry!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kay. God’s blessings on your writing journey!
