Tuesday, August 29, 2023

19 Writing Truths to Smooth Your Path, Renew Your Joy and Instill Peace for the Journey

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

Writing is something that begins in our souls. We love stories, books, words and even grammar. These are more than the tools of our trade, they are the playthings of our lives. Today I invite you to play, enjoying these 19 truths about writing. 
  • 1. “Writing isn’t just putting words on paper; it's revealing pieces of your soul to the world." 
  • 2. "In the quiet moments, a writer's imagination dances with infinite possibilities." 
  • 3. "Embrace the messiness of your first draft, for within it lies the raw beauty of creativity." 
  • 4. "Writing isn't about having all the answers; it's about exploring the questions that stir your heart." 
  • 5. "We can find solace in the written word, because it has the power to heal both the writer and the reader."
  • 6. "A writer's journey is not a solitary one; we're accompanied by the characters who whisper their stories into our souls." 
  • 7. "Fear and doubt are the dragons every writer must slay to reach the treasure of their own creativity." 
  • 8. "Writing is a mosaic of moments woven together with threads of imagination and ink." 
  • 9. "Don't wait for inspiration to strike. Search for it in the ordinary and do the work of transforming it into the extraordinary."
  • 10. "A writer's heart is a wellspring of emotions. Use it to breathe life into your words." 
  • 11. "Rejection is not the end but a stepping stone on the path to becoming a resilient writer." 
  • 12. "Writing is the closest we can come to capturing the intangible essence of our thoughts and dreams."
  • 13. "Celebrate the small victories on your writing journey, for they are the paving stones on the way to greater achievements.
  • 14. "The blank page is a canvas of endless opportunities, don't be afraid of it it." 
  • "Writing requires both discipline and grace, the balance between the two shapes a writer's soul."
  • 15. "A writer's voice is a blend of authenticity and vulnerability that resonates across time with our readers." 
  • 16. "Just as a potter shapes clay, a writer molds words into worlds that breathe and live." 
  • 17. "Writing is a journey of self-discovery, where you unearth hidden treasures within your own heart."
  • 18. "Stories have the power to bridge gaps, connect hearts, and remind us of our shared humanity." 
  • 19. "Write with intention, for your words have the potential to influence, inspire, and ignite change." 
I'd love to know what truths you'd add to the list. Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below. 

Don't forget to join the conversation!


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives.Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, Twitter and on Instagram.

Featured Image: Photo by Bookblock on Unsplash


  1. Edie, this is one of my favorite posts of all time. I loved every quote of Writing Truths. You are the best!! I recommend you at every workshop or speaking engagement I have. May you continue to be blessed as you bless others.

  2. Dear Edie, I have no words to add to your wonderful list, but I want to thank you for it. This new month, after years of illness and multiple bouts with injury and depression, is the month I had decided to recommit to my fiction writing and blogging. These words give me a wonderful starting point for rebuilding my renewed creative life. Thank you!

  3. Terrific article! As I read through them I noticed you skipped a number. You have a point between 14 & 15 that is not numbered; hence, the title should be "20." Connie
