Saturday, July 15, 2023

What to Do When God Disappears From Your Writing

by Patty Smith Hall @PattySmithHall

Years ago when I first started writing, there was a sense of excitement down deep in my soul. Household chores were left undone as I spent time at my kitchen table, pen in hand, as I created my first stories. But it wasn’t just the writing that mattered to me. It was the time I spent with God beforehand, reading His Word and writing in my prayer journal that set me on the right course for the rest of my writing time. When I started my days like that, writing became more like an act of worship. Words and phrases I would have never thought of myself seemed to follow from my pen. It was in those moments God taught me things about myself I never would have learned in church.

I sold my first book, then my next. Before I realized it, my days were filled with deadlines, marketing strategies and social media. I’d mumble a few words in prayer rather than spend time in my prayer journal. My focus shifted away from writing with God to meeting my growing obligations. A new contract was a blessing and a curse, and I procrastinated. I gave ‘good enough’ but not my best. By the time I turned in my last book, I sworn I would never write again.

One day recently, I read a little of one of my novellas. As I read, a heavy burden bore down on me as I realized my story was a ‘clean’ romance but not necessarily a Christian romance. Oh, there was a Bible verse or a prayer thrown in for good measure but not a story that pointed to Jesus. 

I had to ask myself: When did I leave God out of my writing?

And God answered. He revealed my mistakes to me. How, little by little, my stories weren’t for Him but to please the world. Instead of digging deeper and stretching myself to reveal some hard truths, I’d taken the easy way out. It was a harsh realization, but one I’m determined to correct. 

Steps to Ensure I'm Writing With God
  • Repent: This is the first and most important step. Jehovah God yearns for a relationship with us and unrepentance blocks us from that closeness He (and we!) yearn for. Lay bare your heart to Him, not only your mistakes but your fears going forward, and watch how the Lord responds!
  • Commit the first part of your writing time to reading His Word and praying: Spend time with God whether you’re writing or not. Even if you only have ten minutes, read a devotional and pray. For myself, I like to prayer journal. And don’t just delegate it to one particular time. If you get stuck in a hard scene, stop and pray. The words flow easier if you commit it to God.
  • Pray about every writing decision: Indie or traditional? Pray about it! Career or hobby? Take it to the Lord. New contract? Talk it over with the great I Am. You get the gist.

Always invite God to be front and center in your writing. Look at your writing as a form of worship. Lay open your heart to the truths the Lord will share with you there. 


Patty Smith Hall is a multi-published author, teacher and encourager to new writersjust starting their journey. A founding member of ACFW, she served on the national board and as a Genesis contest coordinator, and presided as president of her local chapter. As an acquisition editor for Winged Publications, she finds great joy in helping and encouraging others reach their publishing dreams. Married almost 40 years to Danny, she finds great joy in her family, friends, and her relationship with Jesus Christ. You can contact her at

Featured Image: Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


  1. Thank you Patty for your honesty. This is exactly where I’m at this week.

    1. Cathy, I’ll be praying for you.

  2. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. I find my best writing is when I am totally aware of just how helpless I am (without Him.) Good things come from struggles, which draw me back to Him. Great post. I'm with you--starting and continuing with prayer opens our minds to what the Spirit can teach us. And when He does, it is solid gold.

  3. This really spoke to me! Thank you for reminding us WHY we write. When we glorify God, then others benefit.

  4. What a beautiful reminder. A friend once told me she didn't think I would ever let sin interrupt my love for the Lord. But she could see busyness doing so. She really nailed it. Thanks for the reminder to return to my first Love!

  5. Thank you, Patty, for your boldness and honesty. It can be easy to get swept away by the many things and lose our focus on The One. I need to apply your lesson to my own writing.

  6. Excellent post and powerful reminder about our writing. Thank you.
