Sunday, July 9, 2023

Me and Jesus Time and Writing

by Martin Wiles @LinesFromGod

Four chairs snuggled up to the kitchen table like a thirsty cowboy to a bar after a long, dusty trail ride. She patted one of the chairs and said, “At 7:05, me and Jesus time happens here. But you can sit in one of the other chairs.”

My wife and I were on our final trip to see our Arkansas family. Our son-in-law had accepted a transfer back to our home state. We planned to bring back our three grandboys before our daughter and son-in-law’s move a few days later.

Finding a place to set up my computer station for writing, editing, and social media posting has always been challenging when we visit. This time proved even more tricky and dangerous because a two-year-old toddler bounced around like a tornado in an alley. 

But that wasn’t the most pressing problem. Not wanting to store any more belongings than necessary until they found their next residence, my daughter sold almost all the furniture. We even had to bring along our camping chairs to have a place to sit during the day. Fortunately, she had not sold the kitchen table—although it was on the list to be sold the day after we left. 

At 6:15, I assumed my position at the table to write, edit, and post on social media. Sure enough, thirty minutes later, my daughter appeared with her Bible, journal, pen, highlighter, and coffee. Her Jesus time was at hand. 

Although my Jesus time looked slightly different than hers, I had mine too. Mine entailed a computer, banging on a keyboard, and drinking a cup of orange juice—coffee to come later. 

I learned about Jesus time from my parents and grandparents. Some observed their Jesus time in the morning, some at night, and some during the day. But they had it.

Dad taught me as a young boy about having my own Jesus time. I needed to read my Bible and pray daily. So I did. Before going to bed, I read my Bible and then said my prayers.

Though the years, I’ve maintained my Jesus time. How it looks has changed, but it’s still that time when I get alone with God, pour over his Word, pray, and listen for his Spirit to guide me.

As Christian writers, our Jesus time often entails putting words on paper—fiction and nonfiction, handwritten and typed. And we should do this consistently. Our word count will vary, as will how many days each week we write, but write we will. We have no choice. God has called us. 

Like Jeremiah, we say, “But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it” (20:9 NLT)! 

Yet at times, life happens. Deadlines, conferences, sickness, disease, work, aging parents, changing family dynamics. We might have to rearrange our Jesus time, but we must maintain it. It’s too critical to let go. 

Like Mary, we must sit at the feet of Jesus with our journals and laptops and listen. “Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught” (Luke 10:39 NLT).

Martha was busy. Nothing wrong with that. The old adage is right: “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” But we need time daily when we quiet ourselves before our Lord, whether we write or not.

Seeing my daughter have her Jesus time made me proud. I taught her well and gave her an example. 

Without Jesus’ time, we can’t navigate this thing called life, love the unlovable, be patient, trust God during difficult times, make wise decisions, or know which writing path to pursue. 

What are some ways you can ensure your me and Jesus time happens?


Martin Wiles is the founder of Love Lines from God (WWW.LOVELINESFROMGOD.COM) and serves as Managing Editor for Christian Devotions and Directing Editor for VineWords. He has authored six books and has been published in numerous publications. His most recent book, DON'T JUST LIVE...REALLY LIVE, debuted in October of 2021. He is a freelance editor, English teacher, author, and pastor.

Featured Image: Photo by Jasmin Ne on Unsplash


  1. I need this message today and every day. Life is busy with good things and having Jesus time definitely blesses me. Whether life is going great or filled with struggles, sharing time with Jesus is vital to renewal of the heart, mind, body, and soul. :-)

  2. Amen, Melissa. It is our eternal lifeline

  3. “We have no choice. God has called us.” Yesss. And I love the verse you chose (Jer. 20:9).

    But I’m afraid my writing time ebbs and flows between God time and Kindra time- especially when it comes to brand, social, and driving traffic. I’m not sure how others handle this. I’ll close the computer and realize “Wait! That was all about ME!” Which, duh, it’s kinda supposed to be, but I don’t want it to be. How do you navigate that and KEEP even those parts about Him?

    Kindra Silk Kreislers
    (See? I did it again).

  4. I absolutely get the “life happens” reference, and I’m grateful that my Abba Father loves me anyway. I know that finding this posting at this particular time was arranged by Him and I am thankful He did it because I needed a reminder. It’s time to adjust my priorities and get back into the right routine. Thank you for sharing and God Bless!
