Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Question Every Writer Needs to Answer for Themselves: Flying or Skydiving?

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, Ephesians 3:20

Sometimes (more often than not) I get caught up in the process of life. I’m an analytical sort of person, and I’m definitely a planner. With every project I tackle, I make plans, trying to anticipate any possible potholes and pitfalls. I build timelines and set expectations.

I’m also a recovering perfectionist. 

For years I didn’t realize I was a perfectionist, but I definitely am. My perfectionism shows itself in strange ways. In the past it has kept me from trying anything I thought I couldn’t succeed at. For me, failure wasn’t an option. That translated into a hurdle that kept me from pursuing my dreams.

Truthfully, that issue does continue to crop up from time to time. (I can anticipate the snickers this engenders in my family and close friends as they read this.)

In the past I’ve gone to great lengths to build in safeguards that keep failure at bay when I tackle a difficult project. I always thought of these things as packing a parachute. They’d be a built-in safety net that would keep me from crashing and burning if I hadn’t covered all the possibilities.

Then one day I felt a metaphoric tap on the shoulder from the Holy Spirit. He asked me a question I’ve never forgotten.

Are you skydiving or flying?

You see God is in the business of helping us to fly. He’s not interested in skydiving, and He has no need of parachutes. Sure there are things we need to do to get ready to fly, but packing a parachute isn’t one of them. God wants us to fly free, chasing the dreams He's set into our hearts. His plan doesn't include the encumbrances of safety nets and parachute. When He's in control, they're just extra baggage that can hold us tethered to the ground.

So whatever dream you’re chasing, leave the parachute home and get ready to fly.


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through her camera lens. She’s a writer who feels lost without that device & an unexpected speaker who loves to encourage an audience. She also embraces the ultimate contradiction of being an organized creative. She knows the necessity of Soul Care and leads retreats, conferences & workshops around the world on staying connected to God. Her numerous books, including the award-winning Soul Careseries & reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts. Her blog, The Write Conversation is recognized as one of the top 101 industry resources. 

She and husband Kirk have been married 40+ years and raised three sons. They live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and can often be found hiking—with Edie clinging to the edge of a precipice for the perfect camera angle and Kirk patiently carrying her camera bag and tripod. Connect with her on her website, and through social media.


  1. Excellent post! I, too, am a planner and make a plan/list for,everything. There are times when I have so many lists, I need a list of all my lists!

    1. Edwina, we are sisters of the lists! LOL Blessings, E

  2. Good reminder< edie. Thank you. I LOVE your metaphor!!

  3. Thank you for the reminder to turn my life, and all that is in it, over to God.

    1. Tom, it's a reminder I need constantly! Blessings, E

  4. Thank you for this encouragement. Jumping with a parachute is preceded by practicing how to hit the ground. No need to plan on a fall when we fly.

    1. Oh I love that!!! Thanks for sharing! Blessings, E

  5. I love this Edie. God makes thrill seekers because what could be more thrilling than following God. I can’t wait to see what He has planned for us.
    Tim Suddeth

  6. Thank you Edie, this is a great post. I used it with my niece today who is trying to decide on what to do as an 18 year old who is stuck btw 2 different points of view from her was a great way to start a conversation of what does she want.

    1. Lisa, thank you for the encouragement! Blessings, E

  7. A wise friend once told me: "When God leads you to the edge of the light and tells you to step out into the darkness, one of two things are about to happen... either God is going to provide you solid ground to step onto, or He is going to teach you to fly." Step out and fly. Flying with God is the best! MCP
