Monday, March 6, 2023

How to Write in Busy Life Seasons

by Kristen Hogrefe Parnell @KHogrefeParnell

How do you write in busy life seasons? This is a question I’ve asked myself. My baby boy will be seven months old when you read this post, and being his mama is one of my life’s biggest joys. Finding time to write in this season is one of my biggest challenges.

Have I arrived at the answer? No. However, I’ve learned a few lessons during the past months that I hope may encourage other writers who find themselves in busy seasons as well.

Tips to Keep Writing When Life Gets Busy

#1: Accept that you can’t do it all.

Repeat out loud: I cannot do it all.

Feel better? Maybe. Maybe not.

Regardless, accepting our own limitations can be freeing. It is also a reminder that we can’t do anything in our own strength and that we must lean hard into Jesus’ strength (Philippians 4:13). 

I also think back to the story of Mary and Martha, two very different sisters. Luke 10:38-42 describes Martha as so consumed with serving Jesus, that she missed out on what mattered more: simply being present with Jesus, as her sister Mary was. 

If I were to try to achieve my pre-baby writing output, I would quickly become frazzled and ineffective. I would also miss out on the gift of this precious time with my baby and husband. 

Not only should we accept that we can’t put out the same writing work when other responsibilities take precedence, but we should also embrace the season where God has blessed us with other priorities. Our word counts might be smaller, but perhaps they will be richer. 

#2: Prioritize what you can do.

A few evenings each week, after my sweet son falls asleep, I slide into bed and give myself about thirty minutes with my laptop. Perhaps I work on an article I’ve promised someone, review chapter recordings for the audio book of my latest release, or respond to a message from a friend.

There are so many things I could do, but only so many that I can. To decide how to spend this time, I ask these questions:
  • Is it urgent? (Example: deadlines, interview recording dates, etc.)
  • Is it important? (Example: writing I’ve committed to do but isn’t due yet)

Some writing is important but not urgent. Some is both urgent and important. I try to do those tasks first, then my important ones, and save the less important for later. Along the way, I also have to say “no” to some good opportunities that time simply won’t allow.

#3: Recognize that your writing may look different in this season.

I’m so thankful I finished the second book in my two-book contract before my baby arrived. As he gets older (and sleeping through the night hopefully becomes part of the norm), I anticipate having more energy and a little more time in the evening to commit to larger writing projects.

For now, though, writing looks like a few articles, a book review, or maybe a blog post. I won’t be penning any great American novel during his first year of life. 

And that’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay. My baby is an answer to prayer and one of the greatest blessings in my life. Being his mama means that right now, I don’t have much free time to write, because I’m spending it with him. Caring for him. Loving him. Watching him discover the world one miraculous day at a time.

What is keeping you busy right now and perhaps not allowing as much time for your writing? Instead of lamenting the time you don’t have, recognize this reason as a source of blessing. Focus on the joy, and remember that eventually, the writing will return.


Kristen Hogrefe Parnell writes suspenseful fiction from a faith perspective for women and young adults. Her own suspense story involved waiting on God into her thirties to meet her husband, and she desires to keep embracing God’s plan for her life when it’s not what she expects. Kristen’s books have won the Selah Award and the Grace Award, among others, and her romantic suspense novel Take My Hand is now available. An educator at heart, she also teaches English online and enjoys being a podcast guest. Kristen lives in the Tampa, Florida area with her husband and baby boy. Visit her online at


  1. You are so right, Kristen! On the opposite end of the spectrum last year my baby graduated from high school. It was a year filled with college applications, scholarship applications, final banquets, concerts, prom events. It seemed endless...until she left for college in September. Suddenly there was time again. The novel that had to sit on a back-burner for a year got fired up again and a few new projects added for good measure.
    God's timing always allows for important "interruptions" whether we realize it or not. :)

  2. Thank you so much for your comment! That's so true, and yes, His timing is best. :)

  3. Enjoy that precious one and thanks for sharing!
