Monday, November 21, 2022

How Writers Can Follow the Apostle Paul's Marketing Strategy

by Karen Whiting @KarenHWhiting

Times and strategies don’t really change. Reviewing Paul’s approach gives us insights into one of the greatest missionary marketers of all time. He started with understanding his audience, figuring out ways to reach them, and sharing his testimony to the right people. Let’s examine his approach and plans.
The Apostle Paul's Approach to Marketing

1. Paul knew his calling and goals

Saul became known as Paul that he is little (meaning of name Paul) in comparison to Christ. He spent three years learning to be a follower of Christ. He knew God called him to be a speaker and preach (Romans 1:1, 15:20; and 1 Corinthians 2:2).

He also knew God called him to reach as many people as possible and that meant doing whatever it took in getting out and spreading the news about Jesus. He had a goal to establish Christian communities and continue to minister to them.

2. Paul knew his audience

He knew God called him to reach the gentiles and polytheists who worshipped other gods. He understood the angry mobs who wanted to kill him since he had also tried to kill followers of Christ. 

He trusted that if he shared about the sacrifice and love of Jesus that the Holy Spirit would change hearts.

3. He knew his branding. 

He was called to share truth and explain the faith and lift up the name of Jesus. God confirmed that to Ananias in Acts 9:15-16. He was also called to disciple some people to carry on what he started and form communities of faith. He knew he could not do everything. He looked to the future in creating a legacy that would continue. He was more of a speaker who wrote, especially writing when he was prevented from traveling and preaching.

4. He pitched to the audience’s needs.

He used analogies his audience understood. For example, he walked around Athens until he saw the statue to an unknown god (Acts 17:23) He used that to share that he knew the real unknown God and wanted them to know too.

5. He built a tribe and made disciples. 

Paul developed a following and team to keep the marketing going. He did this by encouraging them (1 Thessalonians 5:11). He encouraged his team like the Philippians to turn obstacles into opportunities. He revisited churches when he could and wrote letters to them. He sent friends to visit them and left his comrades to teach and disciple. He understood that it takes a team of people to grow the church. His letters mention many names of other workers for whom he gave thanks.

6. He shared his testimony when it would help (Acts 22 and 26). 

His testimony was not his focus as his message was about Christ, His testimony became a way to share the contrast of something better than what he had strived for before he knew Jesus.

7. Paul worked at building relationships. 

He interacted with Barnabus and usually had him or another follower journey with him. He invested a lot in helping Timothy become a great leader (2 Timothy 3:10). Although at one point he refused to take John Mark with him due to the young man disappointed him, they reconciled, and he later asked for him to come because he needed him. 

8. Nothing stopped Paul from marketing, and he never complained that he did not like it or did not want to do it. 

We may not be physically attacked over our writing and marketing, but we can feel beaten down and discouraged. With so many voices calling out to buy their book, we can feel we are drowning and living in a place where we are a minority. Bad reviews and rejections may cause us to doubt ourselves. That’s when it’s good to study Paul.
  • He earned his own money through tent making (ACTS 18:2-3)
  • When stoned, he got up and went back to his work (Acts 14:18-19)
  • When in prison he rejoiced in the new opportunity to speak with guards and Romans in positions of leadership (Acts 16:22-35)
  • He continually found audiences where he was a lone voice in a hostile environment (Acts 21:26-29).
  • He was content even when hungry or persecuted because he was doing what God called him to do Philippians 4:11-13).

When you feel discouraged in your writing journey or the marketing, take time to study Paul and his passion for his calling.


Karen Whiting (WWW.KARENWHITING.COM) is an international speaker, former television host of Puppets on Parade, certified writing and marketing coach, and award-winning author of twenty-seven books for women, children, and families. Her newest book, The Gift of Bread: Recipes for the Heart and the Table reflects her passion for bread and growing up helping at her grandparent’s restaurant. Check out her newest book Growing a Mother’s Heart: Devotions of Faith, Hope, and Love from Mothers Past, Present, and Future. It's full of heartwarming and teary-eyed stories of moms.

Karen has a heart to grow tomorrow’s wholesome families today. She has written more than eight hundred articles for more than sixty publications and loves to let creativity splash over the pages of what she writes. She writes for Crosswalk. Connect with Karen on Twitter @KarenHWhiting Pinterest KarenWhiting FB KarenHWhiting.

Featured Image: Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash


  1. Wow, great post. A lot to consider, you are spot on. Thanks for using Paul's life and work in relation to branding and marketing. It makes it seem a lot more like God's good plan than just my or man's method. : )

    1. Thanks and glad it helps. I go back to Paul when I need encouragement in marketing.

  2. "Wow, this is so well-written! You have a talent for making complex topics accessible."

  3. What a breath of fresh air! Your enthusiasm and positivity are contagious. Thank you for spreading such good vibes!
