Monday, October 12, 2020

What Can We Learn in This Crisis?

by Yvonne Ortega

“God, what can we learn in this crisis? It’s not a short flu season, but a pandemic with no end in sight. President Trump and his wife tested positive for COVID-19 after the first debate on a Thursday evening, went into quarantine at the White House, and the next day checked into Walter Reed Hospital. As of this writing on October 5, 2020, the president returned to the White House. 

What about all the people from both parties who attended that first debate between the two candidates? They were exposed to the virus. Our president is seventy-four years old, and Joe Biden is seventy-seven years old. Age is against both of them.

The stock market goes up and down like a roller coaster as states report new cases of COVID-19. People test negative who are positive, and others test positive who are negative. In addition to that, others walk around asymptomatic, but they have COVID-19.

With these national crises, many of us also have our own personal crises. Poor physical health, death of loved ones, relationship difficulties, mental health problems, and lost property because of fires or floods. What can we learn in this crisis?

First, we can learn the value of honesty with God. 

God made us and knows our personality, character, and thoughts. He doesn’t forget us or our problems.

During one of our tropical storms, a widow’s chimney was damaged. She’s on a fixed income.

Her insurance agent said, “You can’t prove the storm caused it. So, we aren’t responsible.”

She told me, “As it is, I eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or boiled eggs.” She isn’t alone in her attempts to manage on little money. 

Many feel extreme anxiety and depression because of their losses of cars, homes, and jobs. In worry and hopelessness, they’ve withdrawn from others including God. 

How can we hide from God? As the psalmist wrote, “Where can I go from your Spirit? . . . If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there” (Psalm 139:7a–8 NIV).

Whatever our situation is, we can learn the value of honesty with God. He knows what you and I are thinking anyway and wants to hear from us. We can ask him for help.

Second, we can learn the reality of spiritual warfare.

Satan can use health issues to his advantage. Both my allergy and asthma specialist and also my ophthalmologist have worked long days without breaks. The high pollen and ragweed rates in some areas, and the fires and smoke in others have made life extremely difficult for children, adults, and pets. 

Constant weather changes can aggravate allergies and asthma. In the past eight months, my friend learned the reality of spiritual warfare. Satan has used their battle with allergies and a lack of energy to discourage them. Each morning she has prayed with the twins and said, “We need to put on the spiritual armor of God.” She has repeated throughout the day, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10a ESV).

Third, we can learn the power of praise.

Several of us prayed with a friend, whose dearest friend and prayer partner was dying. Our friend would miss her friend, but the assurance of her friend’s eternal homegoing and their reunion one day in heaven comforted her. She could picture those in heaven waiting to welcome her friend home. That helped our friend learn the power of praise.

Sometimes we forget to praise God until we are out of options. One of my friends has her in-laws with her. Her husband’s parents couldn’t handle the loneliness and quarantine restrictions at the senior living community. 

And yet, they praise God because of how quickly they packed his parents’ belongings and moved things around at home to place his parents on the first floor of their three-level condo. 

The psalmist said, “As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more” (Psalm 71:14, NIV). We can choose to hope and praise God more and more. 

We can’t claim perfection this side of heaven, but we can strive for progress. 

In conclusion, here is what we can learn in a crisis:
  • The value of honesty with God
  • The reality of spiritual warfare
  • The power of praise
In your current circumstances, which of the three lessons will you work on this week?
Yvonne speaks with honesty and humor as she shares her life and struggles through presentations that empower women to find peace, power, and purpose through God’s Word. 


Yvonne’s background as a licensed professional counselor brings a unique perspective into the heart of women. She’s a speaking and writing coach and the owner of Moving from Broken to Beautiful®, LLC. She belongs to the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, the Christian Authors Network, the National Speakers Association, and Toastmasters International.

She celebrates life at the beach, where she walks, builds sand castles, blows bubbles, and dances.

1 comment:

  1. Yvonne, I love how you include that we can learn the power of praise. There may be times when we don't feel like giving praise. But, I know when I praise God, I sense His comfort. :-)
