Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Contest to Help Tame the Elusive Beast of Author Marketing

by Angela Breidenbach @AngBreidenbach

Where are great examples of successful author marketing?

What if your marketing is actually stellar, but you honestly have no clue?

Up until now, there’s been no tangible measure of excellence in Christian author marketing for books, book series, or brand. Some people may even be scared of the elusive beast of author marketing.

But what if someone showed you what a successful marketing plan looked like and how to plan to succeed by example? What if being recognized for marketing excellence earned an award that continued to gain marketing and media attention?

Welcome to an innovative opportunity to answer all those questions, and more. The Christian Authors Network is pleased to announce the inaugural #CANCROWN AWARDSto recognize, educate, and encourage excellence in marketing and promotion skills of all Christian authors. 

Christian authors want to get their books, book series, and brands out to readers, retailers, and librarians. The messages in those books reflect the love and glory of God. But without an excellent marketing plan that very message may go unread. The #CANCrown Awards recognize authors for excellence in marketing and media and gain continued after the contest.

Readers have to hear about those books to find them. By recognizing marketing and media expertise, the #CANCrown Awards helps us all through highlighting stellar examples. Examples in three categories for books, book series, and author brands:
  • Visual Media
  • Broadcasting
  • Web Presence 

These three categories cover physical materials, social media, major media, websites, blogs, and newsletters respectively. 

are open Aug. 28 - Sep. 28, 2019. Judging by independent individuals with knowledge in marketing and media. Finalists will be announced and will receive finalist logos/badges for their websites and materials. The Christian Authors Network will be sure to share finalist and winning entries to bring attention to these excellent author marketing plans. But you power up the promotion for your book, book series, or author brand as a finalist. Winners, your book, book series, or author brand is promoted through the  #CANCrown Awards channels of influence all for the price of entry. Best bang for the marketing buck ever!

Winners (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) will be awarded at the Crown Awards banquet, Saturday, November 16th, 2019 during the International Christian Visual Media (ICVM) Conference in Franklin, Tennessee. Presentations will include an overview of each winners’ campaign to an audience of filmmakers, publishing industry, and then out into the public to reach readers, retailers, and librarians.

Award design and entry pages are on the CAN website. 
Entry fee for non-members is $80. 
Entry fee for CAN members is $65.

Access the entry forms on our CAN Website:  
ICVM Nashville 2019 Conference Page:
CAN/ICVM Conference Nov. 12-16, 2019, opening with a network ice cream social on the 12th. Meet people in both the film and publishing industry.

Have you wanted to get your book turned into a movie? Or learn screenwriting? Or get novelization contracts from filmmakers? 

What's ICVM? International Christian Visual Media.

What's CAN? Christian Authors Network. 

Don’t miss an awesome event for book-to-screen and screen-to-book education and opportunity between the Christian film and publishing industries. It’s at the ICVM/CAN conference where we’ll highlight your book, book series, or author brand through the finalist and winning entry recognition during the Crown Awards Banquet. 

We’ll be watching for your entry!
Angela Breidenbach, Christian Authors Network president


Angela Breidenbach writes bestselling romance, is a media personality, and president of the Christian Authors Network. She received the NSDAR Outstanding Broadcasting Award for producing and hosting the documentary, Daughters of the American Revolution: A Patriotic Education, at Montana state, Pacific NW Regional, and National levels. 5x5 Productions manages Angela's screenwriting while Tamela Hancock Murray represents Angela's books. 
All social media: @AngBreidenbach

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting me on your blog. We're so excited about this new opportunity for Christian authors. It's an honor to be able to share it with friends here.
