Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Loving the Writing Life

by Linda Gilden @LindaGilden

As I rushed to a morning meeting, I asked for God’s direction and guidance to help keep my busy writer’s life in balance. I went over all the things that were important to me—meeting deadlines, celebrating family in every way possible, continuing to build relationships with friends making sure there was enough quiet time, doing laundry and cooking meals, sleeping occasionally, and the list could go on.

I knew I was not giving God any new information. He had blessed me with every wonderful item on my list. And I knew He had equipped me with the means and mentality to handle them all. So why did I feel so frequently out of balance?

In our conversation, I wondered if I could somehow relax my deadlines? I know God has called me to be a writer and deadlines are just part of it. I don’t know of any publishers who would be excited about doing away with deadlines or even relaxing them!

Family. No question there. Time with family and serving them cannot be compromised. God created us to be family before He made me a writer. That comes second only to my relationship with God. I have found that those times when I have had to sacrifice my writing to do something for my family, God has redeemed that time and I have met all deadlines.

Most friends don’t really understand the life of a writer. But it is important for me and every writer to maintain relationships with friends.

Then, quiet time. Some time that is the hardest one of all. I talk to God all day long and use Scripture in my writing. Doesn’t that count? Of course it counts. But part of having quiet time with God is not only taking time to talk to Him but also to listen. In the midst of my writing is not necessarily a good time to listen. I need to set aside special time to focus solely on my relationship with God.

As I continued my car conversation with God about finding the perfect balance for my busy schedule and lamented (well, okay, maybe whined a little!) about finding a way to make it work, I realized what I was looking for was already in place. I had the perfect balance for me. Was my life busy. Yes! Did some days seem impossible to reconcile all my duties and deadlines? Yes! But would I change anything at all? No! 

My prayer immediately changed to one of thanks for my busy schedule and sometimes-hectic-but-always-exciting life that I live. I didn’t need a different schedule. I just needed a bit of an attitude adjustment and a little more trust that because God had called me to be a writer, He would equip me to be the best writer I could be in the midst of the wonderful, love-filled life He has given me.

What about you? Do you need to make adjustments in your schedule or do you, like me, just need an attitude adjustment?

Loving the #writing life - @LindaGilden on @EdieMelson (Click to Tweet)

Reasons to love the #writing life—even when our schedule is packed - @LindaGilden on @EdieMelson (Click to Tweet)

Linda Gilden is an award-winning writer, speaker, editor, certified writing and speaking coach, and personality consultant. Her passion is helping others discover the joy of communicating with excellence. In the midst of all the busyness, Linda’s favorite activity  is floating in a pool with a good book surrounded by splashing grandchildren—a great source of writing material!


  1. Right now, I'm between contracts, and I see God's fingerprints all over it. I'm part of a launch of a new performing arts theatre in my town, and all y time and energy are needed here for the moment. Instead of needing to be in a story world, I can focus on this ... for one more month. And I am so looking forward to being back in that world!

  2. What a blessing this morning Ms. Linda. I think all Christian writers get overwhelmed with all we want to do and have to do. Our "God time" keeps us grounded though. Am so grateful you place Him first in your life also. I liken it to "bumper bowling" where God keeps me from rolling off into the gutter each day. God's blessings ma'am. Phil 4:13

  3. Linda, It's good to know we're not alone in the challenges you mentioned. I have felt the same crunch, and wondered if it ever would let up. But it sounds like it's the "new normal" for this era of life. And that's okay. I love the writing life and am learning lots of new things from posts like yours and others. Thanks for your input.

  4. As a publisher I have to monitor my time well. I learned a long time ago that I had to spend time with God first thing in the mornings. After that I take care of my family, then work. We have deadlines daily. It's exciting, but it can be discouraging when you see a deadline approaching. I'm afraid I consult with God constantly. I have to think about our authors. They are all different. But I love what I do, and I'm so thankful I asked God's guidance six years ago when we started our company.

  5. Wow! Isn't it interesting how God speaks to each one of us differently and keeps us on track! Writing blessings to all. So glad we are on this journey together!

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