by Lucinda Secrest McDowell @LucindaSMcDowel
Lucinda Secrest McDowell, M.T.S., is passionate about embracing life — both through deep soul care
from drawing closer to God, as well as living courageously in order to touch a
needy world. A storyteller who engages both heart and mind, she delights in weaving
grace and mercy into ordinary life situations. A graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Furman University,
she is the author of 13 books and contributing author to
30+ books. Her books include the award-winning, Dwelling Places (2017 Christian Retailing Best Award for Devotional) , Ordinary Graces, Live These Words, Refresh! and Role
of a Lifetime. A member of Advanced Writers and Speakers
Association (AWSA), Lucinda received Mt. Hermon “Writer of the Year” award and
guest blogs monthly for The
Write Conversation.Whether
co-directing "reNEW ~ retreat for New
England Writing," pouring
into young moms, or leading a restorative day of prayer, she is energized by
investing in people of all ages. Lucinda’s
favorites include tea parties, good books, laughing friends, ancient prayers,
country music, cozy quilts, musical theatre, and especially her family
scattered around the world doing amazing things. Known for her ability to convey deep truth in practical and winsome
ways, she writes from “Sunnyside” cottage in New England and blogs weekly at http://www.
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"Living so that ordinary graces are not only noticed and appreciated, but passed along to others. That is our call." -Lucinda Secrest McDowell |
As you read today’s blog I
am knee-deep in launching a new book. With all that entails. Including the
uneasy feeling of “self-promotion” which, frankly, is a struggle for me.
You too? Yeah, it’s that
whole tension between being excited about sharing
our words with the world
and being embarrassed to keep putting ourselves out there.
Who gets the glory? Does it
Most authors love to write
out of our passion and purpose. Many of us also enjoy speaking opportunities as
But marketing? Not so much.
And yet today's public
figures are required to have a robust online presence through social media,
blogging, tweeting and more. Potential publishers are eager to know our digital
reach. Especially when a new book comes out. I get that. It's just that it's a
delicate dance between "offering others an opportunity" and in
"tooting my own horn."
Who gets the glory?
Author Mary DeMuth
describes the time that this kind of pressure caused her to spend money on a
business coach who told her to embark on his surefire method of getting
speaking gigs. Even though resistant to formulas, she discovered her blind
obedience cost her way too much for zero results. She felt the Lord taught her
an important lesson: "If you relied
on a formula and found success, then the formula or your effort would get the
glory. But if you let go and trust Me, when I bring the increase, who gets the
God is our ultimate agent.
He can do whatever He pleases to promote our efforts that will bring him glory.
Our part? To give God the
glory: "And as God's grace reaches more and more people, there
will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more
glory." 2 Corinthians 4.15 NLT
I know, of course, that I
must continue to have a generous and grace filled presence in the world in
order for my message to be heard and read. But my goal is to do this with
kindness, humility and complete trust in my God who is sovereign over
The New Testament Greek word
used here is doxon which is
translated to “glory,” “honor,” “inherent worth.” The corresponding Old
Testament Hebrew word for glory is kabo
often translated "weight" or "significance." Thus we
often read about the “weight of glory.”
A weight and an inherent
worth that belongs only to the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Not to us
be any glory.
“What is the chief end of man?” The Westminster Shorter Catechism answers this
question, with the following mandate: “To
glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”
Our lives glorify God
whenever we allow Him to do things through us that could never have been done
in our own efforts. Then all credit and honor goes to the One who indwells and
empowers us.
Living so that ordinary
graces are not only noticed and appreciated, but passed along to others. That
is our call.
Bringing thanksgiving to
all and glory to the ultimate Grace-Giver.
Will you do that in your
writing and speaking today?
I simply must tell you that today’s blog is an
excerpt from my Brand New Book “Ordinary
Graces” launching out into the world any day now – and
to entreat you to purchase a gazillion copies please. Thank you. signed, Humble
Lucinda, thank you for this post. I, too, struggle to get beyond my comfort zone and into the marketing frame of mind. Your post reminded me of an illustration my pastor gave last Sunday, concluding it by saying, "If you are getting the glory, God is not!" Soli gloria Deo!
ReplyDeleteIf Ordinary Graces is as good as Dwelling Places, we will all be blessed. Thank you for writing.
ReplyDeleteJudy, you are too kind. They are similar but different. Hope you enjoy (and thanks for blessing me with this comment)...
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you, sweet friend, on your launch. Love your encouraging words.