Monday, December 19, 2016

New Year, New Words

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMoJo68

I noticed a trend on social media some years ago. Instead of making expect-to-break-them resolutions, people were claiming colors, phrases or related words to define their goals when a new year came around.

I once Dared to be an Awesome Orange. Two years ago, I pared it down even more to choose one word. Boundaries was first. The next year was Better.

Sometimes it takes a while to discover your personal Word of the Year. Sometimes it comes to you as easy as breathing.

It doesn't matter if you choose one word or three, or go all-out with a list of resolutions.

Tips to Consider
  • Set a Journey, Not a Goal: Specific goals, while great, aren’t always met in a timely manner, or at all. This can lead to a person feeling like a failure instead of a success. Rather, choose what will help you grow incrementally.
  • Choose to be a Diamond: You are more than a two-dimensional object. Make your mantra reflect all your beautiful facets.
  • Everything Old is New Again: Don’t be intimidated by the “new” in New Year. It’s okay to enhance what you already know.
  • Can You Relate?: Is your theme shareable? Keep yourself accountable by letting your followers in on your journey.
  • Give Yourself Permission: It’s okay to tell yourself, “It’s okay.” It’s okay to dream, set goals, fail, try again, change, move, and be still.
  • Shine Like The Star That You Are: Whatever you choose, don’t bury it in the sand or under your pillow. Reach your world with your bright light.
  • It’s ALL About YOU: Your resolution/word/mantra should encompass the essence of you and what you want to accomplish in the next twelve months. Adding others to the mix can be a great idea, as long as there aren’t too many cooks in your kitchen.

How does any of this apply to social media and writing? The simple answer—it doesn’t. The complex answer—everything’s writing, everything’s social. Your theme should amplify your personality, goals, work ethic, belief system . . . Anything and everything you need it to amplify and grow.

Now, choose your word for the New Year, and hit the ground running.

I’m choosing to be Fierce in 2017. What will you be?

With some sweet tea and running shoes,
~Molly Jo

Choose your word for the #NewYear & hit the ground running - @RealMoJo68 (click to tweet)

Molly Jo is a writer, editor, social media ninja, and producer of the weekly Firsts in Fiction podcast. She has been featured in children’s magazines, on blogs and devotional websites, and her short stories have earned her awards and scholarships from nationally acclaimed writing programs. She is the founder of New Inklings Press and author of The Unemployment Cookbook: Ideas for Feeding Families One Meal at a Timeand other books available through her website and on Amazon.

Her current work in progress, NOLA, is a location mystery set in New Orleans and is scheduled for publication in late 2016.

You can find her on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and her blog, Frankly, My Dear . . .   


  1. I've been choosing a Bible verse for the upcoming year since 1996 and added a word for the year in about 2010. It really helps me focus! My word for 2017 is MORE... more of Jesus filling every corner of my life!

    1. I love this, Edie. "More" is definitely a great word.

  2. I've chosen (or rather this word chose me) expectation. Expecting God to work in me and through me.

    1. Yes, words have a way of finding us. This is a great one.

  3. My word for 2017 is "Peace." I desire that those I know and meet will find the peace of Jesus in whatever circumstance comes their way. I also want this for my family and myself. I have a list of scriptures to study and eventually use in my blog.

  4. My word for 2017 is commitment. I want to commit to God's plan for me.

    1. That's a wonderful word to be accountable for.

  5. My word is WONDER for 2017 . . . Watching God work in my life and others! I've spent last year FOCUSing, so now it's time to look up. Thanks for your post, Molly Jo!

    1. Wonder is a great word, Jarm. Thanks for the comment.

  6. 2016 was my first year in choosing a word, or rather, the word chose me. "Possible." And this year has fulfilled that word in more "possibilities" than I could have imagined. So far, I feel like the word for 2017 should be "Balance" - as I am trying to find that elusive place of balance with my full-time job, relationships with Christ, my family, and friends, and all of the writing "possibilities" that presented themselves in 2016. Thank you for sharing this post. It was inspiring, and I can't wait to see how "fierce" you are in 2017! Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you, Hope. Balance is a great word to choose you. Remember, part of balancing is allowing the teeter totter to tip now and then.
