Friday, May 27, 2016

Prayers for the Writer’s Soul

by Lori Hatcher @LoriHatcher2

I read something today that made me cry.

Not because it was sad, but because it was beautiful. One of my favorite authors and theologians, John Piper, in two paragraphs, described God. He used a simple word picture and everyday language. No Greek. No Hebrew. No plumbing the depths of his vast theological training. Just a simple example connected to a profound spiritual truth.*

And I bawled like a baby.

I cried because his writing put skin on God. He took God’s lofty grandeur and brought it down to me, a very unlofty and ungrand human being. I often struggle to grasp the magnitude of God. I wonder, how can he love me? Why does he love me? To what extent does he love me?

In a few short paragraphs, Piper made God so personal that I wept with love and gratitude.


Oh, how I want to do that.

I want to be able to describe God
so well that others are amazed.
I want to be able to describe God so well that others are amazed—not by the beauty of my writing, but by the beauty of my Savior.

Father, reveal yourself to me so I can reveal You to others.

I want to share God so transparently that others feel my arms around their shoulders and know I’m walking the faith path with them, not scowling down from a lofty pinnacle.

Father, remove my fear of man and give me a healthy fear of you. Strip me of the sin of pride that wants others to see only the brightest parts of my life. Help me tell the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.  

I want to eliminate anything from my writing that will cause others to stumble over in their pursuit of Jesus.

Father, help me learn the craft of writing so well that nothing I write prevents my readers from understanding your truth.

I want to be so in love with God that His love splashes onto every post I write, every article I pen, and every book I create.

Father, draw me near. Keep me close. Guard my heart. Fill my mind.

I want to rest so confidently in God’s care that when I hear the enemy of my soul whispering lies, I can point to the cross and never doubt (Romans 8:32).

Father, help me say with Job, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.”

I want to love God well, point others to Him, and glorify Him with everything I do.

If this is your prayer, too, may God hear from heaven and answer our plea.

Lord, be pleased with the work of our hands and use it to draw others to yourself.

What are your hopes for your writing? And what do you pray? Leave a comment below and join the conversation.



  1. Lori, Beautiful prayer. That is my heart. I want to pen what God has for the reader not what Cherrilynn thinks they should read. I am fearful I will not convey the message properly due to my lack of skill. I study the craft of writing daily. Thank you for this. May God bless us all as we submit to Him and yeild our words to the Master story teller.

  2. Great message, Lori. It's a keeper as a reminder that encourages us who desire to share the light of Lord and the grandeur of God through prayer, writing and speaking. This post will stay in my re-read folder.
    Write on!

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. May God's "well done" always be the prize as we run the writing faith race together. Blessings to you!

  3. Lori, your sweet spirit and smile splashed on me at the conference. I met you in line to sign in and I thought, "Now, there's someone who shines her message. I want to do that!" Great words and aspiration that I share. Blessings!

    1. It was so fun to connect with you that first day, Paula. Thanks so much for carrying your candle :)

  4. Lori, I read something today that made ME cry ... this post ... especially this phrase: "I want to be able to describe God so well that others are amazed—not by the beauty of my writing, but by the beauty of my Savior." That should be the prayer of every Christian writer. Thank you for such a beautiful reminder. :)

    1. Oh, Andrea, doesn't your heart just ache to share God with our sad, broken, hopeless world? I know it does, otherwise you wouldn't be doing what you're doing. Editors are some of the hardest working people I know, often for little money or recognition, just because they love making other writers' work shine for Him. Press on, friend!

  5. Thank you, Lori. You captured my heart's desire with this post. It came at the perfect time for me as I prepare for the Write-to-Publish conference in a couple of weeks. It is a reminder that my writing and words are in God's hands. Not mine. My message is His. He will guide my hands to say and write the words He wants others to hear, IF I allow Him to. I need to step back and hand the reigns to Him. Thanks again. Bless you!

  6. Once again, I'm grateful (beyond words) for words that draw me closer to Him and the reason why I write. Thank you, Lori

  7. Thanks for this, Lori . . . It's soul searching!

  8. What a sweet reminder that our words matter. I pray the Lord will bless the works of our hands, for His glory! Psalm 90:17
