Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Truth Inside the Lie

I love the dichotomy of this quote from Stephen King. So often we're able to explore truth when we write fiction. 

Fiction is the truth inside the lie. -Stephen King
Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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  1. Yes, there's much truth in this picture and quote. Actually, since you shared the brief summary about the Christian science fiction novel you signed a contract for a week ago, I've been thinking about this--because, crazy as it may sound, I saw several parallels between what you wrote and my true-life story. I understood in a new way what you've told me concerning the power of fiction. Thanks, Edie!

  2. That's why I love fiction. Through it, we can cut through the self-defensive walls of our readers, reach deep into their souls, and ultimately give them hope.
