But the
fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control… Galatians 5:22-23
For me, this verse
is tough. Some of the things listed are easy. Some…well…not so much.
In my travels this
fall, I’ve had the opportunity to hear about other the journey to publication
from a lot of different authors. I noticed most of us have a similar story.
Very few had a direct route. Instead we traveled a circuitous trip full of
bumps and detours.
Frequently a
writer's path is littered with broken dreams and shattered expectations.
As I listened to
all these stories, one thing stood out. That sometimes-tortuous path, made us
better writers. And beyond that, it made what was published, publishable.
That insight made
me stop and reflect on those instances in my life that I'd always labeled as
failures and shortcomings. Now I saw them as opportunities to grow and learn.
Those times of waiting had become patience, the frustration had become
discipline, and the rejections became joy. All those difficult circumstances
had been used by God to teach me things I lacked, as well as giving me
compassion for others on similar journeys.
Somewhere along the
way, God used the seeds of failure to grow fruit in my life.
Frequently, God uses the seeds of failure to grow fruit - @EdieMelson (Click to Tweet)
Hi Edie. In 2009, my wife and I felt called to start a "green" business. In short, by early 20013 it was a spectacular failure and we lost everything. It was difficult to see God's purposes, unless they were my utter humiliation. In the following months and, now, years, I know God has used all of those experiences for our good. My attempts at finding answers lead me to start writing and blogging. Now, that medium has become a principal means by which I converse with God and share my faith.. Hebrews 12:11 - Joel